40 Winks N64 Crack +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ This crack bypasses the screen which displays: "THIS GAME IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE PLAYED ON THIS SYSTEM" Turns out there really isn't anything preventing you from playing the game after all ;*) Two versions of the fix are provided here. You can either apply the patch to a rom image to permanently, or you can use GameShark cheat codes to hotfix the problem. Both do exactly the same thing. +GameShark Version+ Enter this code into your cheat device: 8002E221 0000 +Patch Version+ Apply the patch provided to an +unbyteswapped+ 40 Winks rom (N4WX). The patch applies the fix and revises the checksum for you. +_+ Technical: The routine 8002E600 recieves a value V0 that denotes how to treat the current intro splash screen. Normal operation sets V0=1, allowing the menus to progress. However, fatal errors return V0=2, which fixes the screen permanently. The patch simply forces the last test prior to the displayed message to always return true, causing it to branch with V0=1. Technically, it changes the test: BEQL V0,V1,8002E600 to BEQL R0,R0,8002E600 This occurs at 8002E220 in RDRAM, and 0x2EE21 in ROM. @_@ If you suffer some terrible calamity, you can always attempt to write me. I don't have regular internet access, but I will try to return a message as soon as possible. -Zoinkity (nefariousdogooder@yahoo.com) Giant Fish Monster Productions