1.0.3 Thank you for downloading this romhack! Notes: -The prologue plays on the Title Screen. -Almost all of the text can be quickly closed if you press B. be careful of that if you want to read all of the text. -You may want to play with a controller. -It acts somewhat unstable on hardware. It's recommended to play on emulator. To patch this romhack, here are the instructions: 1) Find an OoT 1.0 rom (You're on your own with this). 2) Make sure the file is 32mb and the extension says "z64". If it doesn't, you'll need. to convert it to Big Endian using "Tool64.exe". 2) Go to https://www.marcrobledo.com/RomPatcher.js/. 3) Put your OoT 1.0 rom into the "ROM file "section 4) Put the "The Fate of the Bombiwa.xdelta" file into the "Patch file" section. 5) Apply the patch. 6) (This is the most important step) Play. Changes (POTENTIAL SPOILERS): 1.0.3: -Gave some more time for certain puzzles. -Fixed some grammar mistakes. -Fixed an oversight with a puzzle. -Fixed a softlock in the pushblock room. -Fixed a softlock being trapped by a skulltula. -Changed the position of certain switches. -Potentially fixed a crash in the ending cutscene on hardware. 1.0.2: -Fixed the Iron Knuckle from never re-spawning when killed. 1.0.1: -Changed certain text as it didn't convey want I wanted to tell. -Fixed certain silly exploits. Big thanks to the Hylian Modding discord server for helping me with questions I asked. If you would like to play more OoT romhacks, go here: https://hylianmodding.com/ http://discord.gg/qQqDsM8 If you find any bugs or mistakes, please tell me. Enjoy!