V0.8.6 Changes Game now Requires the 8MB Memory Expansion Unlocked Rooms in Greenoch INN Reduced Particle Speed on multiple spells to reduce crash pontential in multiple locations Increased Brian's Run Speed Changed Elements Menu from displaying current % of EXP, to Remaining EXP per level Changed Elements Menu to Show Element Lvls to Current/99 up from Current/50 Changed Status Screen progression bars to scale to 999 up from scaling to 255 Added more Floating Spirits Across the World from 98 to 120 spirits Fixed Silent Flute to cast Silence instead of Debilitate Changed BGM in multiple areas Added new Icons to the Items Healing Brew, Tonic, and Philo's Stone Added Flavor text to all healing items. Changed item text depicting heal type and value to be color coded Red for HP, and Blue for MP Fixed multiple instances of dialogue having an unwanted "l". Changed Element Level caps to be based on story progression Updated Retroachievements for this game to reflect updates Additional credits for "Rain", "Retroben" and "Tofuyo" V0.8.5 Changes Changed references to the “Gems” from their Old Names to their New Names Removed Guilty’s Name from King Beigis’s Dialogue Fixed the Intro Text from the Grand Abbott Changed text from multiple NPC’s and included more Hints about certain hard to find Spirits Wing Sellers no longer say Wings can’t be used in certain areas, instead stressing can be used everywhere Changed Guilty’s text Added an Additional INN/Save point in Holy Planes Changed contents of 2 chests in the Monastery Altered Saved Location Names Changed text displayed in the Save Menu to be more clear about what it’s asking the player Replaced Silence Lv2 with a new spell Rebalanced some of the spells learned at levels, and powers Adjusted the healing Power of the Fire Spell “Healing Aura” Removed the Fade Out/In sequence of going in doors or changing maps …and more. Mod By Landmine36/Landy.