Super Loco Spoof! Googie's last (hopefully) SmB1 hack. This hack fell in through the cracks of my other hacks in progress. I know I said I gave up SmB1 hacking, but meh. :p --- + Disclaimer + --- I'm not claiming the graphics in this hack as my own, they are from other games as well as some dead smb1 hacks that are on some ROM sites. I'm not a thief, I just royally suck at making my own graphics, and belive me I tried. :P --- + ---------- + --- Thaks goes to... Dragonsbrethren - For making levels 2-1 and 2-2. :) His site 4matsy - for letting me use somma his graphics from his past SmB1 hacks and also beta testing this hack. :) TheGreatWhiteDope - For also beta testing. :) Sirius - For giving me the 'minor' patch to change the music. I woulda put his original link, but it doesn't work anymore. Yudaidhun - For making the 'Noise Bomb' patch and making it public for everyone else to use. =D His site So what's been done? The graphics, the text, the levels and a couple of other nifty features. Be warned, the levels that's in this hack are challenging, turn back if you get easily frustrated. :P Other than that enjoy the hack. Any love or hate about this hack, e-mail me at See ya's...