Astyanax Remix (Googie's Astyanax Hack) What's been done... Well, since the editor doesn't have enemy/item support I edited the levels the as best as I could, It's a pretty straight foward hack. There's some tricky jumps but they're not impossible to pass. Since the level palettes are fuggin ugly in the original game, I edited the level palettes. I also did some minor grahpics changes, like putting Medusa's tits into this hack (NOA took those out in the american relase) And I also put the font from Zelda Link's Awakening along with some other tweaks. I really suggest you play the original game before playing this hack so you'll notice the differences. You'll also notice I changed the story line. Some might find it either funny, stupid or offensive. I can't please evertbody, so there. :p I used Mega-Dog's AstyaEd editor to make this hack which you can get at I started working on this hack in August of 2004, when Tek Hacks was still around. I'm glad I finally finished it, I can't belive it took almost two years. Well, enjoy the world's first level hack of Astyanax. See ya's... - Googie Any love or hate about this hack e-mail me at :p