Thanks goes to... Shadic - For making world 1. Shadic's site - TheGreatWhiteDope - For making world 2. GwD's site - AP - For making world 4 and turning the spring board into a note block. AP's site - AlexAR - For redesigning the water part in the world 4 castle. AlexAR's site - Insectduel - For making levels 5-1 through 5-3. Insey's site - 4matsy - For changing some palettes and doing minor graphics hacking. If it wasn't for you guys, this hack wouldn't exist. :p Oh yeah, and I did the text changes, worked on world 3 and levels 5-4 through 5-6. ~ Googie The story behind the hack, yeah there's a story... This hack was first started at TekHacks back in 2003, by dragonsbrethren & Rockman and Chill Penguin (a.k.a. Ice Ranger) I can't remember who else, wha'dya expect? I'm old... :p Anyways back to the story...the hack died out and was forgotten but I never forgot about it since I made a hack for them at the time called Mario Evolution 2. So I asked Ice Ranger for the hack since I needed inspiration for Waluigi's Adventure. He was cool to gimme the hack... So last year some us came up with the idea (the few mentioned on top) to start a smb1 hack made by other people. So here's the result, Anyone I didn't mentioned I'm sorry, my mind ain't working right. :p So thanks Dragonsbrethren, Rockman & Ice Ranger for coming up with this hack back in 2003, and lettin me have it too. =D Any love or hate about the hack e-mail me at See ya's...