Googie's Mega Man Hack (Googie's Mega Mix) ------------------------------------------- Special thanks go to... Netsplit - for beta testing and helping me fix a nasty bug in Wily 4. Orochimaru - for beta testing. 4matsy - for beta testing and helping find a bug in Ice Man's Stage. Dan - for making his MM editor called Rock & Roll, his site his C'mon people, let's see more MM hacks! ^_^ ------------------------------------------- What's been done... 1. minor palette changes & gfx changes. 2. All levels have been changed. 3. Some text has been changed. ------------------------------------------- What to look for in this hack... 1. When you die in this hack, you have to start from the beginning because if you start at a checkpoint, enemies get glitched, and in Wily 3 if you die you get stuck in the checkpoint. So use save states. 2. Be ready for a challenge, this hack is not easy. But thanks to Netsplit givin me advice to make the levels more playable. 3. The Magnet Beam is your friend in this hack. <(^_^<) 4. If you go to Ice Man's level before Fire Man's Level, there's a bug that make you go through the floor and fall to your doom. So if anything beat Fire Man first. 5. You have to beat the levels in a certain order, but make sure you have Cut Man's weapon before you reach Elec Man's level, okay? K. ^_^ -------------------------------------------- Questions or Comments, reach me at ;P Enjoy the hack ~ Googie