FINAL FANTASY 3 coop 2 player hack Version 20120805 1. What it does This hack allows the second controller to control the two lower characters in battle. This hack allows the players to determine who controls the game outside battles: simply use the already existing button that changes the visible character sprite - the control is determined by the ownership of the visible character. This does not affect battles. The first controller will still have to name all the characters in the beginning of the game. The two first characters to be named belong to the first controller. 2. How to patch Use Lunar IPS to apply the .ips patch. Works with original (CRC32=170163F1) and original+AWJ translation. 3. Technical notes Largely tested with VirtuaNES, using its netplay feature and the english translation by Jackson et al. Not tested with real hardware. This hack causes some slowdown in the start and in the end of a battle, when no character is being controlled. It is not much of an issue. It varies a bit whose input the game expects during the end-battle reward statements. Routines changed in 7FBBA (8 B free) and 7D291 (2 B free). 37 bytes of free space consumed in 5FFEB. No expansion. -STARWIN