Blaster Master - Alan Jacobs Version Alan Jacobs, 2012 (V1.1) 2014 This version gets rid of some graphical issues and I improved enemy placement. This is my modified version of Blaster Master. It took me about 2 months to complete and I'm very proud of what I have accomplished here. Only the level layout and some palettes have been changed. The rest of the game (Bosses, Graphics, Power-Ups, Enemies, Upgrades) have not been altered or changed in any way. I hope you enjoy this game as much as I enjoyed making it. Author's Notes and Tips... -Every tank and overhead level has been completely redone from scratch. Other than the Area 2 portal location in Area 1, all of the area portals have been relocated into a different area with the exception of one. Be sure to explore all around you in every area to have an understanding where portals may be located. -Your progress will be saved with every door you enter. Be aware that Area 8 does not contain Screen Scrolling Tunnels. If you can access a doorway, enter it to save your progress unless you want to start all the way back to the beginning of the area when you lose a life. Credit and Thanks go to Snarfblam for the ReMaster 1.0 hack tool. Thank you and enjoy!