MEGA MAN 2: THE MYSTERY OF DR. WILY by RetroRain Release Date: March 3rd, 2014 Time Span from Start to Finish: 3 Days This patch is to be applied to the English version, "Mega Man 2", not the Japanese version, "Rockman 2". What the hack contains: - Minor text edits - Slightly altered title screen - The game now uses SRAM. The main feature of this hack is that the password system has been replaced with a save system. Whenever you complete a stage, the game will save the completed stage, your lives, E-Tanks, and the special items you obtain from Dr. Light. Whenever you want to resume your progress, simply select Continue from the game-start screen. You can still start a new game, and reset the game during the middle of gameplay, and load your previously saved game. It is only when you defeat the robot master of the stage when the game saves everything. So, any progress you make in a game is saved to SRAM, and you can easily overwrite your previously saved data by completing a stage from a New Game. Also note that just like the password system, this game will only save up to the first Dr. Wily stage. There is no saving of the Wily Stages. As a plus you can use the saved games for any difficutly level. For instance, you can save a game on Easy, and pick up right where you left off, on Normal. I chose to call this hack Mega Man 2: The Mystery of Dr. Wily, because the Japanese version is called Rockman 2: Dr. Wily no Nazo, which means "The Mystery of Dr. Wily" in English. So, this patch is simply an update to the English Mega Man 2 that was released. This is also my first NES SRAM hack, and I am very happy with it! :) You may also use this hack as a base for your Mega Man 2 hacks. If you decide to use this for your hacks, credit is not necessary, but it is appreciated. Have fun!