[ UPDATE LOG ] Version 1.1.0 - November 22, 2014 -------------------- = Modified for more color palettes, and the target was missed and night time becomes darkend = Modified new round number font with smoothing = Modified new comic sign font = Modified new "8-bit Operator+" font with shading, shadow, bold and black weight = Modified new menu logo selection = Redrawn with bricks, windows, floor steps, fences and I-beam with holes = Redrawn with spinning cans, flipping cardboards and characters are outlined = Replaced new hack name with "Grandoplex" under the copyright text = Replaced text with "Town Rush" and "Trick Shot" (as reverted back to the original) Version 1.0.1 update 1 - May 1, 2014 -------------------- = Fixed any correct versions = Merged of credits with the program list Version 1.0.1 - March 28, 2014 -------------------- = Minor fixes for few cutoff letters and round number font Version 1.0.0 - March 25, 2014 -------------------- + Initial public released