Continue Hack for Krion Conquest Hidden Feature "CONTINUE" in Krion Conquest US ver. Like Japanese version of Magical Doropie unlike Original version removed/missing "CONTINUE" in the US version of The Krion Conquest Francesca died Lose Life After GAME OVER, return to title screen now flash text "CONTINUE" lose all life start any stage in the US ver. (revert to Stage 1 in the Original JP ver.) for bosses US ver. lose minus life revert to Stage 3 or lose all life with CONTINUE start stage 4 like Red Flashing "ALERT" Original JP ver. lose minus life start stage 4 or lose all life with CONTINUE revert to Stage 1 doesn't Red Flashing "ALERT" No Enable SRAM, It's Any Stage Start Only using Emulator without Savestate Apply Patch IPS to Krion Conquest (U) ROM using Lunar IPS or IpsXP NOT Magical Doropie (J) ROM Krion Conquest/Magical Doropie © Vic Tokai © 2014 Korxtendo aka Korxroa