5/26/12 UPDATE 7/16/13 infidelity Duck Tales UNROM to MMC3 MMC3 Bankswap Routine To Insert Into ROM = 0A48A9068D0080688D0180090148A9078D0080688D018060 $1FFF1 = 9DE5FF, this is what is storing into the tables from $1FFF5-B. Change that 9DE5FF to 20#### which JSR's to where your bankswap routine is located in the rom. Done! UPDATE 7-16-13 Now works on an actual NES! There is a swath of free space located from $1F902-$1FA4E (14D bytes) I did the best play thorugh that i could do, so i hope this is nothing important. I'll include the .cdl file, it was done with FCEUX 2.2.1. $1FA08 = 60 $1FA09 = 0A48A9068D0080688D0180090148A9078D0080688D018060 $1FFF1 = 20F9F9 $1FF41 = 2011FA EA $1FA21 = A2058E0080BD24FA8D0180CA10F4A99085FF60000204050607 $1FA3A = 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 END UPDATE 7/20/13 ISSUE REGARDING MIRRORING Need to add Mirroring Mode within Reset Vector. For Duck Tales it starts as Vertical $1FA26 = BD29FA $1FA2F = A900 8D00A0 A990 85FF 60 00 02 04 05 06 07 END