5/28/12 UPDATE 7/16/13 infidelity MMC1 Legend of Zelda to MMC3 I did this conversion back in October 2011, but now creating a new doc for rom hackers who want to see how i did it. Bankswap Routines For Each Bank $3FBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $7FBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $BFBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $FFBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $13FBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $17FBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $1BFBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 $1FFBC = 0A48A9868D0080688D0180090148A9878D0080688D018060 Fixed Horizontal/Vertical Mirroring $1E9CD = A9008D00A0 $1E631 = 20C4FF $1FFEF = 8D0203A9018D00A060 hmm, get an odd sprite glitch with link when defeating a boss... right below the in-game map, is a green line, and part of links hat is messed up? UPDATE 7-16-13 Now works on an actual NES! $1FFA5 = 4CCDFF $1FFDD = A2058E0080BD8AFF8D0180CA10F44C40E4 $1FF9A = 000204050607 Locate all the 4C40E4's and replace with 4CCDFF END