7/31/13 infidelity Converting Kid Icarus From CNROM to MMC3 $1FFB1 has 8DFFBF, before that is A900 $1FFC6 has 8DFFDF, before that is A900 $1FF97 has 8DFFFF at boot-up $1C19B has 8DFFFF MMC3 Bankswap Routine (jsr is 2068FF) $1FF78 = 0A48A9068D0080688D0180090148A9078D0080688D018060 MMC3 JSR Bankswap Routine Fixes $1C19B = 2068FF 4C9EC1 00000000000000000000000000 $1C893 = 2068FF 4C96C8 00000000000000000000000000 $1CABD = 2068FF 4CC0CA 00000000000000000000000000 $1CAE6 = 2068FF 4CE9CA 00000000000000000000000000 $1CB38 = 2068FF 4C3BCB 00000000000000000000000000 Remove 8DFF9F $1EB19 = 8D0080 60 000000000000000000000000000000 MMC3 Register Setup Reset Vector $1FF95 = A901 8D00A0 A900 8D0080 8D0180 8D01A0 8D00C0 8D01C0 8D00E0 A205 8E0080 BDAFFF 8D0180 CA 10F4 4C00C0 00 02 04 05 06 07 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 DONE! Kid Icarus is now MMC3! :-D -infidelity Doesnt work on Nestopia or PUNES64. REVISITED 11/16/13 OHHH I forgot! Need to enable WRAM, cause $7F00 has a ton of JMP adresses within there. So I'll just adjust my reset vector so that $A001 has 80 in it. $1FF90 = 78 D8 A900 8D0020 A901 8D00A0 A980 8D01A0 A900 8D0080 8D0180 8D00C0 8D01C0 8D00E0 A205 8E0080 BDB3FF 8D0180 CA 10F4 4C00C0 00 02 04 05 06 07 Also, need to correct mirroring routine at $1EB17, this routine is JSR'd to alot. = A901 8D00A0 60 DONE! GREAT! That did it! All emulators & PowerPak run Kid Icarus! -infidelity