11/26/13 infidelity Converting Excitebike NROM to MMC3 This rom just needs a simple mapper change within the header. This game only uses $C000-$FFFF, there is no $8000-$BFFF. Don't need to setup anything. UPDATE 12/2/13 Does not display correctly on PowerPak. Need to increase PRG-ROM by 1, so that it can have $8000-$BFFF to contain the MMC3 setup registers, this has to be installed. $41CE = 200080 $10 = A900 8D0080 8D0180 8D00A0 8D01A0 8D00C0 8D01C0 8D00E0 A205 8E0080 BD2980 8D0180 CA 10F4 ADCE05 60 00 02 04 05 06 07 DONE! Excitebike is now MMC3! :-D -infidelity