█English readme in the next page. 邪恶之山(Evil Mountain)说明 -zhCN 目标:消灭关尾的山。 原作于2015年发布,但因其超越常理的难度招人唾弃。最新心血来潮把其翻新了一下(其实是炒冷饭啦←_←),确保其难度是可以令人接受的。 难度(从小到大):2.1E<2.1N<2.1H<2.3人间地狱 H和人间地狱版的难度差不多,从某些角度上,H版比人间地狱版还难。 可从标题画面查看难度 如果不想玩这么多,可直接玩2.1H版或2.3人间地狱版 人间地狱版不同于前三个版本,改动的地方特别多,推荐玩这个版本。 人间地狱版通关后音乐会乱码,这个是故意的。 人间地狱版有一处已知BUG:在杂兵变成狙击手时有时会变成静态贴图,或者出现在最上面。 因为技术原因,无法修复,但不影响正常游戏。 文本翻译: WELCOME TO HEAVEN.=欢迎来到天堂 LET'S TAKE A WALK.=咱们走起 OH.THAT'S NOT A GOOD IDEA TO COME HERE.YOU SHOULD LEAVE IN TIME.=你不应该来到这里,请及时离开。 YOU'RE WRONG.=你错了 YOU'LL REGRET WHAT YOU DO.你会后悔你的所作所为的 ABUSE=虐待 YOU DESERVE.=你活该 WELCOME TO DEATH.=欢迎来到地狱 COUNT DEATH.=送死 更新: 已完全测试完毕,据此调整简单模式生命为6,普通模式为7,困难模式为9,人间地狱模式为10 修复简单、普通和困难模式通关后可能会死机的问题 修复人间地狱双人游戏对1P不友好的BUG 调整人间地狱模式的难度(更难) 如果没有什么大Bug的话,这个就是最终版了 Evil Mountain -EnCN(Chinglish Hahaha) Objective:destory the mountain at the end of the level. The origin hack had released in 2015.But it is too difficult to beat it.So I remake it. Difficulty:2.1E(Easy)<2.1N(Normal)<2.1H(Hard)<2.3(人间地狱)Hell on earth The hell version had hacked many places.You can only play it if you don't have too much time. When you pass the hell version,sound will be corrupt.That's on purpose. The hell version has a glitch:Sometimes when running guys turn into rifle man,it will turn into static graphics or appear in the top of the game. I don't know how to fix this.But I think it have few bad effect when playing. Update: Modify lives:6 in Easy,7 in Normal,9 in Hard,10 in Hell. Fix a bug that game may crash when beat the game. Fix a bug in hell version behave not friendly to 1P when 2play mode. Final version,if not have bugs. S gun code(Only in Hell version):BABABABABA 霰弹秘籍(只能用于人间地狱):BABABABABA COWARD=懦夫