AFF CHALLENGE Mr. Bruno, also known as The Impostor, is a shapeshifting evil do-er. Serius a.k.a. The Copier, has to stop Mr. Bruno, while assisted by Dr. Cyber and his sister, Sara. Skullbot 1101X, a.k.a. Skullby, is a skeleton robot who can cut shit up! Then Tedriss, a giant Tedi from Conker's Bad Fur Day wants to rip your head off! Voltang, an electrical unit bot, is a high powered robot capable of fucking you up. Meanie, a mean guy is ice-cold, oooooooooooo. Sam Sinister, a tricky kniving bastard of his own self. Last but not least, Hot Hitt, a demon from Hell, who wants to send you there for eternal damnation, damn it. For NES oh yeah Copyright @ 2007 don't steal my shit or .....