+==============================================+==========+ | el kadong black box series #03: Stoner Bros. | Stoner | | video game hack by el kadong, 2015 | Arcade | | licensed to baddesthacks.net | Series | +==============================================+==========+ Back in September, I decided to take up another project in order to procrastinate on O.J. Pro-Am some more. However, the project itself didn't really get worked on until December. +-------------------------+ | Target ROM and Patching | +-------------------------+ "Mario Bros. (World).nes" is the target ROM or whatever. MD5: 8D8E0B86DD870302BF4A994E76C55C83 SHA-1: 9286A2DB471D51713E9B75E68B47FFBF11E2D40B This is distributed as an xdelta patch and I already know everyone who didn't download and patch Lesbian Tennis 2015 is saying "what the fuck is an xdelta patch" basically since I did a few things, making an IPS patch of this hack is out of the question: 1) added more PRG-ROM 2) data/code has been shifted since I worked from a disassembly I only tried to make an IPS this time, but it was as big as the original ROM, so fuck that shit. you can find utilities to apply this patch here: http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/928/ http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/598/ http://www.romhacking.net/utilities/704/ +-----------+ | Story (?) | +-----------+ The Stoner Brothers, Marco and Louie, set out to beat up turtles, flies, and malfunctioning lighters in the name of grabbing weed. Fuck if I know. +-------------------+ | Quick Change List | +-------------------+ * Expanded to 32K of PRG-ROM * New logo and title screen changes * Various graphic, palette, and text changes +--------------------+ | In-Depth Changelog | +--------------------+ * PRG-ROM is now 32K (was 16K). Still an NROM game. Mostly a waste of space, since the thing I expanded the ROM for isn't in the final version of the hack. Ah well, fuck it. No sense in removing it. * Most of the graphics have been fucked with in some form. * Mario and Luigi now smoke blunts during the game * Coins are now pot leaves * Life indicators are now blunts * "TOP" changed to "POT"; ohohoh I'm so clever * Crab enemy is now a lighter * Sliding icicle is now a bong with ice cubes * POW block is now a gravity bong * Spawn platform is now a cloud * All platforms/surfaces have new graphics * Bonus stage counter frame changed * Title screen cursor is now a pot leaf * "P=" changed into a lit joint * Pipes taken from the upgraded Mario Bros. (Euro ver.) * Text too. * Game A is now known as "Mellow"/"Chill" * Game B is now known as "Blazed"/"Blaze" * Rounds are now Blunts * "Test your skill" is now " Grab the weed " * Mario is Marco, Luigi is Louie * Oh, and some palette changes as well. * Gameplay palette 4 (was ugly blue/purple) is better * Player 1's life blunts use palette 3 now * Title screen palette changes (including two new sprite palettes that were meant for a scrapped feature) * This in-depth changelog sucks! * Moved the title screen cursor 1px up and 4px to the right * Changed attribute near Player 2's score indicator * Changed attribute of "POT" score indicator * Some other things I'm probably missing. +---------+ | Enemies | +---------+ * 'Tarded Turtle It was an attempt. Unchanged from the original. * Psycho Lighter A malfunctioning lighter that has become sentient. Takes two hits to flip over. * Mexican Jumping Fly Hops around like a god damn nuisance. Unchanged from the original. * Ice Bong Kill it before it spills and ices over the floor! +--------+ | Source | +--------+ I decided to release the source code to this, because why the fuck not. You'll need asm6 (or asm6f if you want to use the -n option) +--------+ | Thanks | +--------+ * Dr. Floppy (figuring out the damned sprite attribute for the moving coin) * tettsui77 (gravity bong idea) * Baddesthacks.net community * Nintendo, for the newer pipe graphics alright, that's all I have for this hack. Expect a "Stoner Bros. Plus" in the future, with a few things that got cut near the end of development. maybe I'll get off my ass and finish O.J. Pro-Am next. it sure has been long enough. -ekd