Final Fantasy Epic v.03 Final Hacked by Sliver X ( Original game: Gauntlet *************************************************** What you need: An unaltered rom of Gauntlet. An IPS patching program. This IPS file. *************************************************** This hack is basically a cut and paste of various Final Fantasy graphics into Gauntlet, with a few original graphics made by me. (You should be able to tell which those are by the shitty quality of them. Most noticably the character portraits. I'm not exactly a graphic artist.) This is the final release. I acually got it done ahead of schedule, which surprised the hell out of me. *************************************************** Just what the hell is new in this version? Everything is now finished. I fixed the walls, the villain at the beginning, the dragon,ect ect. I kept the map though, and the teleporters due to the fact that I didn't really think they needed to be changed. Also I've changed the text and written a story for this. I strongly recommend you use Loopynes for this hack, as NESticle can't display some of the scrolling text properly. *************************************************** What's next? I'm going to start working on my Dragon Warrior hack, Dragoon X. I'd say it'll be anywhere from 2 weeks to a month before I'm done with it. I'll be releasing a preliminary IPS patch soon on my webpage at Anyway, hopefully you'll like this hack. Any input is appreciated. Beware the Dark Moogle. Sliver X 11/03/98