Super Mario Bros. Endscreen Clarification The end of the original game was written in a somewhat confusing way: THANK YOU MARIO! YOUR QUEST IS OVER. WE PRESENT YOU A NEW QUEST. PUSH BUTTON B TO SELECT A WORLD This is pointed out in a Legends of Localization article here - "English is my native language, and the line “Push button B to select a world.” seems kind of odd even to me – it sounds like [Peach] wants you to press B right now, but doing so will only take you back to the title screen instead. You actually have to press the B Button at the title screen to change stages." To clarify this, I have changed the text to this: THANK YOU MARIO! YOUR QUEST IS OVER, BUT YOU CAN PLAY IT AGAIN! SELECT LEVELS WITH THE B BUTTON I only had the length of the original strings to work with, but I think the meaning comes across a little easier.