Nekketsu Koukou Soccer Rebalance v0.9 By Ghost-Tank (on message board) a.k.a Ultra Mike a.k.a. Gokuma a.k.a. Iron Ghost For the 8-bit Famicom rom Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu Soccer Hen.nes No-Intro Name: Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball-bu - Soccer Hen (Japan) (No-Intro version 20130731-235630) File SHA-1: A8D78B7FCFDCE87BBCBF8D34824F42AA7A98B182 ROM SHA-1: ED8A0B142B42BB7571D97CA934AB58E7C3295716 File MD5 9C05CE01FD6026D6D25ED6C9788F02CD File SHA-1 A8D78B7FCFDCE87BBCBF8D34824F42AA7A98B182 File CRC32 4E6E3334 ROM MD5 D3CFA3FFD3414A94B6CE768E27D729EE ROM SHA-1 ED8A0B142B42BB7571D97CA934AB58E7C3295716 ROM CRC32 64FD3BA6 This patch is compatible with my NKS Romanji patch and it shouldn't matter which order you apply them in. Update: Changed shot steps - Anyone with less than 3, has been set to 3 or 5. Changed the super shots of most players on Nekketsu team. Changed which music plays in vs mode. Added to this txt file some other stuff you can hack yourself such as changing which teams are available in vs (but someone has to play as Nekketsu when a player uses a team not normally playable). I've included some hacked save states for teams not normally playable. But they may not have properly displayed names in the line up setting. Main intention is to balance the teams available in vs mode: The first six players of Nekketsu High School Shichifuku (7 Gods of Fortune Monks) Academy High School Sigma Bikers High School Ipponzuri (Fishing) High School Hattori Ninja Academy Cool and helpful images at or New stats with passwords: +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ | Player | Speed | HP | Shot Steps | Password | Super Shot | +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ | Kunio | 6 | 55 | 5 | | Accurate | | Kouji | 4 | 60 | 3 | | Breaker | | Hiroshi | 4 | 40 | 3 | | Mole | | Mitsuhiro | 9 | 40 | 5 | | Zigzag | | Shinichi | 7 | 50 | 5 | | Psycho | | Takashi | 8 | 60 | 3 | | MegaDrive | | Susumu | 2 | 50 | 3 | | Unstoppable| | Atsushi | 6 | 40 | 5 | | BubbleFlash| | Masa | 6 | 50 | 5 | | Sidewinder | | Genei | 8 | 60 | 3 | | Boomerang | +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ |1 Yuushuuin | 5 | 50 | 3 | | Square | |2 Monks | 7 | 70 | 3 | 0103 | Bubble | |3 Bikers | 9 | 55 | 3 | 0307 | Wheelie | |4 Hunters | 6 | 45 | 3 | 1015 | Unstoppable| |5 Announcers | 4 | 48 | 3 | 1220 | Loud Spikes| |6 Firemen | 11 | 54 | 3 | 0721 | Coin | |7 Men of Sea | 12 | 45 | 6 | 1115 | Bonito Fish| |8 Psychics | 8 | 45 | 3 | 0424 | Boo | |9 Gamblers | 10 | 50 | 5 | 0626 | Accurate | |10 Miners | 17 | 60 | 5 | 0602 | Mole | | Hattori Ninja| 15 | 50 | 9 | 0223 | Boomerang | |12 Islanders | 10 | 65 | 5 | 1128 | Banana Croc| +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ | unused hyper| 96 |169 | 56 | | none | +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ Slide tackle does 3 damage. Shoulder bash does 8 damage. If players have the same current HP, then either can bash the other, whoever gets the other first. If a player has 1 or 2 less current HP than someone they're trying to bash, they both fall. Team HP have been set to the strength of their player on Nekketsu team in Nekketsu Soccer League, except no Announcer, Fireman, or Monk is in that game. So I gave World Cup Holland's HP to Announcers and Russia's HP to Firemen who use their faces. Read farther down for how to hack save states to play as any team. If a team not normally selectable has 0 shot steps, just start to move and immediately kick for super shot. I changed them all to 3 or 5 shot steps in this patch though. Cool and helpful images at Editors used: Hexposure or Hexecute for hacking. LunarIPS to make patch of the hack. Here's how I changed the hex values in rom: For each stat, first row is old hex values & second row is my new values. Values are in order of 6 main Nekketsu players, 4 that join in tournament, and then the 12 other teams. Hex location and Stat 0B18a Hit Points KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 28 26 1e 20 20 26 32 28 37 3C 30 18 20 16 26 2C 26 22 32 1e 36 3C 37 3c 28 28 32 3c 32 28 32 3c 3c 46 37 32 2d 2d 36 30 32 2d 32 41 19FCD Speed KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 06 00 00 08 04 fe 02 08 06 08 00 fe 00 fe ff 02 05 03 02 03 10 08 -2 -2 -2 -1 16 06 04 04 09 07 08 02 06 06 08 11 07 09 05 06 0c 0b 04 0a 08 0f 0a 17 12 11 10 15 10 1B3A2 Shot Steps KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 07 03 03 07 07 03 07 07 07 03 07 03 03 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 09 00 05 03 03 05 05 03 03 05 05 03 05 01 03 00 00 06 00 00 00 00 09 00 v0.8 05 03 03 05 05 03 03 05 05 03 05 03 03 03 03 06 03 03 05 03 09 05 v0.9 1b38c Super Shots KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGen 80 84 85 82 81 83 86 87 88 89 92 84 93 86 81 89 8d 83 88 94 rebal v0.9 MnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 93 8b 8c 8a 8d 90 8f 8e 92 91 94 95 The eleven shots normally seen in NWC 80 = Nuts shot 81 = Psycho 82 = Stinger 84 = Breaker 85 = Bouncer 86 = ZigZag 87 = Pulse 89 = Mega Drive Shot 8c = Wheelie Shot 8d = Unstoppable Shot 94 = ninja boomerang The rest of shots 83 = bubble flash 88 = sidewinder 8A = square 8B = bubble 8E = loud spikes (Team Specific gfx) 8F = coin (Team Specific gfx) 90 = fish 91 = boo shot (Team Specific gfx) 92 = accurate shot 93 = mole shot 95 = banana shot (Team Specific gfx) Giving shots with team specific gfx to other teams doesn't look great, except giving them to the psychics, they all look good with flames replacing usual gfx. I had the team order changed but since I made a Romanji&Partial trans patch, I don't want it showing a different team than you're playing at half time. So I reverted the following changes back to the normal order on top. 1e855 team order by hex YuuMnkBkrHntAnnFirSeaPsyGamMnrNinOki 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0A 09 01 0B 0C 08 07 04 05 0a 09 02 03 06 01 0b 0c AnnFirYuuHntPsyGamMnkBkrSeaMnrNinOki d5c8 Teams available in vs mode Team select still shows the same five listed but this changes what the actually are. Unfortunately a player much always be Nekketsu for the eight teams not normally selectable to display right. Also, Okinawa doesn't have properly displayed names for position set up. NekMnkBikSeaNin 00 02 03 06 0b Could make it this for example NekPsyMnrGamOki 00 0a 01 09 0c On Match # vs screen it still says a team's old match #. Half time shows the team that used to be the match you're playing. If you try to set a match's team to 00 for Nekketsu or 0d for hyper, it'll just freeze the game with a blank screen. If you want to reimplement the order change yourself here's the new order of teams with the passwords: +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ |1 Announcers | 4 | 48 | 3 | | Loud Spikes| |2 Firemen | 11 | 54 | 3 | 0103 | Coin | |3 Yuushuuin | 5 | 50 | 3 | 0307 | Square | |4 Hunters | 6 | 45 | 3 | 1015 | Unstoppable| |5 Psychics | 8 | 45 | 3 | 1220 | Boo | |6 Gamblers | 10 | 50 | 5 | 0721 | Accurate | |7 Monks | 7 | 70 | 3 | 1115 | Bubble/Bald| |8 Bikers | 9 | 55 | 3 | 0424 | Wheelie | |9 Men of Sea | 12 | 45 | 6 | 0626 | Bonito Fish| |10 Miners | 17 | 60 | 5 | 0602 | Mole | | Hattori Ninja| 15 | 50 | 9 | 0223 | Boomerang | |12 Islanders | 10 | 65 | 5 | 1128 | Banana Croc| +--------------+-------+----+------------+----------+------------+ 1e83d music played for twelve matches 11 through 15 1e862 music played for vs mode (16) Changed vs music 16 to 12 in Rebal 0.9 1d05e Team Pallettes For each team six values hair eye faceskin outline/ballPolygons uniform mainskin 0f30260f3026 Nekketsu 0f30260f0026 Miners 0f30260f2a26 Monks 0f30260f2426 Bikers 0f03260f2c26 Yuushuuin etc. Trying to change the 13th unused hyper team's stats messes up the game. When I tried changing hyper's hp from A9 (169) to 63 (99) and speed from 60 (96) to 30 (48), I got weird effects playing with anyone. The ball was in a constant state of super shot while looking normal. It could only be nudged a bit with kicks and diving headbutts while walking into it gets you blasted. The values used for the hyper team are apparently the start of other data or code. *****You can hack save states to play as other teams in vs!***** Save the state on field select screen. Open the state in a hex editor. Go to correct hex location depending on which emulator. Change the teams' values to that of the team you want. Location of player 1's team immediately followed by player 2's team. FCE Ultra eXtended-Debug 1.0a based on FCE Ultra 0.97.5 55C 55D JNes 1.0 52C 52D Nesticle 2508 2509 NNNesterJ v0.22c (runs NKS faster than normal) and NESten 525 526 Nestopia v1.40 and Nester DC compress save states so can not hack theirs. Team values: 00 = Nekketsu High School 01 = Hori Hori Academy Miners 02 = Shichifuku (7 Lucky Gods Monks) Academy High School 03 = Sigma High School Bikers 04 = Yuushuuin High School 05 = Matagi Hunters Academy 06 = Ipponzuri (Fishing) High School 07 = Edobana High School School Firemen 08 = Yoshimoto High School Announcers 09 = Yamamoto High School Gamblers 0A = Osorezan/Osoreyama High School Psychics 0B = Hattori Ninja Academy 0C = Shimanchuu Industrial School/Southern Islanders/Okinawa 0D = unused hyper (player 2 only, uses face of player 1's team value+1) One of the players must be Nekketsu to avoid graphic glitches. Except player 1 can be any of the teams normally in vs against the hyper team but faces will be of different teams. You can also hack tourament mode save states Save on the match # screen. Only matches possible in vs look alright, but some faces will be swapped. One of the players always looks like Kunio. Trying to set any of 7th-10th players on field for teams other than Nekketsu will have missing graphics. Other recommended versions of Nekketsu Koukou Dodgeball Bu - Soccer Hen: Sharp X68000 - All teams normally selectable in vs mode! Many new options: Fast mode, turn off Super Shots, change music, change game time. PC-Engine CD - Great music + 5 new teams: France, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Germany. PC-Engine Hucard - Rocket Scientists are a 13th team (Looking at internal values I can tell this more recent but smaller version used the CD version as a base) PC-Engine versions are up to 4 players in vs mode and have awesome gfx and sound. They seem to play faster but not as fast as Sharp X68000's fast mode. In most versions I visually count the steps to do super shots if not used to the amount of time to walk for a player. In PCE versions it seems better to count the beats of the dribbling sound. See my patches for various versions: Famicom: Romanji&Partial Trans v0.9 NKS Rebalance patch v0.9 NES: Supa Dupa World Cup - a very extensive overhaul with loads of new players and teams. Sharp X68000: Romanji&Partial Translation v0.8 And my Romanji patch for Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari EX Parodi*Ban 2007 Special. since Romanji alone isn't enough of a translation to be on Here's a link to that: Have fun! People may use my work as a base for their own or pieces of it. Just please give some credit. *****Hex locations of team values in other versions and Technos Soccer games***** ***Nintendo World Cup with all team vs and pause fix hacks for NES 09b08 Hit Points TonDayBriTerMarDonPhiFre 32 28 26 28 28 28 3c 32 ? ? HolJpnFraCamRusMexEngSpnBrzGerArgItaly 37 3C 30 18 20 16 26 2c 26 22 32 46 3c 32 ? were deleted 9th and 10th players of Nekketsu 1a0dd Speeds TonDayBri 06 02 02 TerMarDonPhiFre9th10th 08 04 02 04 08 06 08 HolJpnFraCamRusMexEngSpnBrzGerArgItaly 04 00 02 00 00 04 05 03 06 0a 13 0a 1B55A Super Shots TonDayBriTerMarDonPhiFreJoeBob 80 84 85 82 81 89 86 87 88 89 HolJpnFraCamRusMexEngSpnBrzGerArgItaly 8C 80 8c 87 8d 94 82 87 81 86 94 89 1b570 Shot Steps TonDayBriTerMarDonPhiFre9th10th 07 03 03 07 07 03 07 07 07 03 HolJpnFraCamRusMexEngSpnBrzGerArgItaly 07 03 03 05 05 07 05 05 05 05 09 09 1d16a Team pallettes hair eye faceskin outline/ballpentagons uniform mainskin d5e9 Post game Team pallettes ?hairSknEye? OutSknUni USA 0c 07 26 30 0c 01 26 2c 1d90d Ending Team Colors, have white shirts ?HairEyeSkn ?OutUniSkn USA 19 07 30 26 19 01 2c 26 Names for ending 1F565 top half letters 91-4 R-U 96-9 W-Z 09 space b0-f A-P bottom half of letters a1-4 R-U a6-9 W-Z af . 0e 18 1f space c0-f A-P 1e9e9 Team order by hex value CamJpnFraRusSpnEngMexHolBrzItaArgGer 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 01 09 0c 0b 0a 1e9f5 for Germany (0a becomes USA for 8th match. Arg becomes final) 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0a 09 01 0c 0b 1ea01 for Argentina (0b becomes USA for 8th match) 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0b 09 01 0c 0a 1e9d1 music for twelve matches 1ea0e vs music (16) 1e8ea music for match # vs screens HolJpnFraCamRusMexEngSpnBrzGerArgItaly 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 1b 1e6fa vs team select music (04) 1e775 tourn team select music (04) 1ebc0 title music (03) 1e7d4 music for field selection (04) 1e913 music for change positions (04) See Dacicus's awesome Guide to Hacking NWC and soccerhack.txt included with my Supa Dupa WC hack for more. ***NKS for PCE CD Ripped from my authentic CD with turbo rip. Have tested recompilation with audio tracks replaced successfully. Have not tested with hacked isos yet. Everything found at same hex locations in both track 2 and track 56 isos 11A8B Team Order YuuMnkBkrHntAnnFirSeaPsyGamMnrNinOkiFraBrzArgItaGer 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0a 09 01 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 Teams available in vs Haven't tested which of these locations actually changes it 1EBFE 23D2A 574BD0 NekMnkBikSeaNin 00 02 03 06 0b 1BDD5 Hit Points 5DDD5 Hit Points also 8FDD5 C1DD5 F3DD5 125DD5 157DD5 189DD5 1EDDD5 1BBDD5 21FDD5 251DD5 283DD5 2B5DD5 2E7DD5 319DD5 34BDD5 37DDD5 Last listing of Hit Points KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOkiFraBrzArgItaGer 28 26 1e 20 20 26 32 28 37 3C 30 18 20 16 26 2C 26 22 32 1e 36 3C 3e 41 46 4b 50 2B011 Speed KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOkiFraBrzArgItaGer 06 00 00 08 04 fe 02 08 06 08 00 fe 00 fe ff 02 05 03 02 03 10 08 06 08 0a 0e 0c 2c62f Super Shots KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGen 80 84 85 82 81 83 86 87 88 89 MnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOkiFraBrzArgItaGer 93 8b 8c 8a 8d 90 8f 8e 92 91 94 95 97 98 99 9a 9b 2C64A Shot Steps KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOkiFraBrzArgItaGer 07 03 03 07 07 03 07 07 07 03 07 03 03 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00 09 00 ***NKS for PCE Hucard 9B7 Team Order YuuMnkBkrHntAnnFirSeaPsyGamMnrNinOkiSci 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0a 09 01 0b 0c 0d But match # vs screen and half time still shows original team! 4d08 Teams available in vs Same five teams listed for selection but they are replaced. Names are invisible for position setup. Otherwise, no limitations. 000203060b daef another listing of teams in vs mode but don't know what this changes 000203060b 0ADD5 Hit Points KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOkiSci 28 26 1e 20 20 26 32 28 37 3C 30 18 20 16 26 2C 26 22 32 1e 36 3C 1e 1A011 Speed 06 00 00 08 04 fe 02 08 06 08 00 fe 00 fe ff 02 05 03 02 03 10 08 06 1b626 Super Shots KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGen 80 84 85 82 81 83 86 87 88 89 MnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOkiSci 93 8b 8c 8a 8d 90 8f 8e 92 91 94 95 97 1B641 Shot Steps 07 03 03 07 07 03 07 07 07 03 07 03 03 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 09 00 00 ***NKS for Sharp X68000 Disk 1 of 2 B2B9D Team Order by hex value YuuMnkBkrHntAnnFirSeaPsyGamMnrNinOki 04 02 03 05 08 07 06 0A 09 01 0B 0C BE814 Hit points KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGenMnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 28 26 1e 20 20 26 32 28 37 3C 30 18 20 16 26 2C 26 22 32 1e 36 3C C00D1 Speed 06 00 00 08 04 fe 02 08 06 08 00 fe 00 fe ff 02 05 03 02 03 10 08 c0378 Super Shots KunKouHirMitShiTakSusAtsMasGen 80 84 85 82 81 83 86 87 88 89 MnrMnkBkrYuuHntSeaFirAnnGamPsyNinOki 93 8b 8c 8a 8d 90 8f 8e 92 91 94 95 C038E Shot Steps 07 03 03 07 07 03 07 07 07 03 07 03 03 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 09 00 c08ce music played for twelve matches 11 through 15 But you can just press F4 anywhere in game to change music c15fc Appears to be team pallettes from Famicom version but changing them seemed to have no effect For each team six values: hair eye faceskin outline/ballPolygons uniform mainskin This game is higher color with additional shading compared to NES/FC so while these values are still here, the new larger sets of colors seem to be elsewhere. Also I've noticed that for mirror matches each team has their own secondary color set instead of all teams using the same secondary color uniform. I would guess the functional colors settings are somewhere between c15fc and c1d29 But haven't found which have any effect if changed. *****Hex locations of player's teams in save states***** Depending on emulator... ***PC-Engine CD or Hucard Nekketsu Koukou Soccer: Turbo Engine 16 v0.32 0679 067A Magic Engine v0.99 beta2 Changes: 43E7E & 43E7F, 439A6 & 439A7, 44C8A & 44C8B, and 45162 & 45163 Team values: 00 through 0C same as Famicom version 0D = Tanegashima Rocket Scientists in Hucard / France in CD 0E = Brazil (CD only) 0F = Argentina (CD only) 10 = Italia/Italy (CD only) 11 = Deutschland/Germany (CD only) It seems any match up is possible without limitation in CD version. France, Italy, and Germany are the same colors making them hard to tell apart. Argentina and Italy's super shots only do special movement behavior when done by right side team. If left team tries them from their own goal keeper box area, then the movement also happens but in a way that will make the shot miss. Haven't tested as much but Hucard version should be fine except trying to play as the CD's new teams that are partially deleted freezes the game as soon as they try a super shot. ***Famicom Kunio Kun's Nekketsu Soccer League (The Sequal) Team hack makes most playable but not Korea or 3 weird versions of Nekketsu Save states for Translation patch + Team hack+4P on field+Fast AI patch + additional trans patch Haven't checked if it's the same location for the unmodified or differently patched game. FCE Ultra eXtended-Debug 1.0a based on FCE Ultra 0.97.5 580 581 JNes 1.0 550 551 Team values: 00 = Nekketsu/Japan 01 = Korea but player 1 looks like Mexico. Setup looks like Mexico for both players. 02 = Mongolia 03 = Thailand 04 = Cameroonese Nekketsu (African) 05 = Guinea 06 = Senegal 07 = Cameroon 08 = German Nekketsu (European) 09 = Germany 0A = England 0B = Italy 0C = Brazilian Nekketsu (South American) 0D = Brazil 0E = Argentina 0F = Mexico Weird versions of Nekketsu (one for each continent) only have six players and all have Kunio's shot. *****Unmodified game stats and passwords Sharp X68000, PCE-Engine Hucard/CD, Famicom versions: +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Player | Speed | HP | Shot Steps | G.K Defense | Super Shot | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Kunio | 6 | 40 | 7 | 50%? | Nuts shot | | Kouji | 0 | 38 | 3 | 40%? | Breaker | | Hiroshi | 0 | 30 | 3 | ? | Bouncer | | Mitsuhiro | 8 | 32 | 7 | 30%? | Stinger | | Shinichi | 4 | 32 | 7 | 30%? | Psycho | | Takashi | -2 | 38 | 3 | 60%? | Flasher | | Susumu | 2 | 50 | 7 | ? | ZigZag | | Atsushi | 8 | 40 | 7 | ? | Pulse | | Masa | 6 | 55 | 7 | ? | Sidewinder | | Genei | 8 | 60 | 3 | Good | Mega Drive | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Yuushuuin | -2 | 22 | 0 | ? | Square | | Monks | -2 | 24 | 3 | ? | Bubble/Bald| | Bikers | 0 | 32 | 3 | 20%? | Wheelie | | Hunters | -1 | 38 | 0 | ? | Unstoppabl | | Announcers | 3 | 34 | 0 | ? | Loud Spikes| | Firemen | 5 | 38 | 0 | 33%? | Coin | | Men of Sea | 2 | 44 | 7 | ? | Fish | | Psychics | 3 | 30 | 0 | ? | Boo | | Gamblers | 2 | 50 | 0 | ? | Accurate | | Miners | 0 | 48 | 7 | ? | Mole | | Hattori | 16 | 54 | 9 | ? | Boomerang | | Islanders | 8 | 60 | 0 | ? | Banana Croc| +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Scientists | 6 | 30 | 0 | ? | Blue Comit | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | France | 6 | 62 | 0 | ? | Giganto | | Brazil | 8 | 65 | 0 | ? | BumbleBee | | Argentina | 10 | 70 | 0 | ? | Rising | | Italy | 14 | 75 | 9 | ? | Arch | | Germany | 12 | 80 | 0 | ? | Sidewinder | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | unused hyper | 96 |169 | 56 | ? | none | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ Nintendo World Cup for NES: At the team set up screen the players players are arranged like this: A (Tony) E (Mark) B (Dayv) F (Don) C (Brian) G (Phil) D (Terry) H (Fred) (USA names shown) +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Player | Speed | HP | Shot Steps | G.K Defense | Super Shot | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | A (Tony) | 6 | 50 | (7) | 50% | (Nuts shot)| | B (Dayv) | 2 | 40 | (3) | 40% | (Breaker) | | C (Brian) | 2 | 38 | (3) | 40% | (Bouncer) | | D (Terry) | 8 | 40 | (7) | 30% | (Stinger) | | E (Mark) | 4 | 40 | (7) | 30% | (Psycho) | | F (Don) | 2 | 40 | (3) | 60% |(Mega Drive)| | G (Phil) | 4 | 60 | (7) | ? | (ZigZag) | | H (Fred) | 8 | 50 | (7) | ? | (Pulse) | | I (deleted) | 6 | 55 | (7) | ? | ? | | J (deleted) | 8 | 60 | (3) | ? | ? | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ | Cameroon | 0 | 22 | 5 | ? | Pulse | | Japan | 0 | 24 | 3 | ? | Nuts Shot | | France | 2 | 32 | 3 | 20% | Wheelie | | Russia | 0 | 38 | 5 | ? | Unstoppable| | Spain | 3 | 34 | 5 | ? | Pulse | | England | 5 | 38 | 5 | 33% | Stinger | | Mexico | 4 | 44 | 7 | ? | Boomerang | | Holland | 4 | 48 | 7 | ? | Wheelie | | Brazil | 6 | 50 | 5 | ? | Psycho | | Italy | 10 | 50 | 9 | 47% | Mega Drive | | Argentina | 19 | 60 | 9 | ? | Boomerang | | W. Germany | 10 | 70 | 5 | 60% | ZigZag | +--------------+-------+----+------------+-------------+------------+ Passwords: +--+----+----+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ | #|P CD|PHuc| FC |Sega|NKS Team |V|Super Shot|Field |NWC |WC Team |V|Super Shot| +--+----+----+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ | | | | | |Nekketsu |Y|Varied | | |USA |Y|Varied | | 1| | | | |Yuushuuin | |Square | | |Cameroon | |Pulse | | 2|3894|7676|0103|0255|Monks |Y|Bubble |Soil |10300|Japan | |Nuts Shot | | 3|4319|4649|0307|4900|Bikers |Y|Wheelie |Concrete|30700|France |Y|Wheelie | | 4|1005|3614|1015|6503|Hunters | |Unstoppabl|Bumpy |01500|Russia | |Unstoppabl| | 5|7931|7280|1220|8086|Announcers| |LoudSpikes| |22000|Spain | |Pulse | | 6|6512|4154|0721|0303|Firemen | |Coin | |72100|England |Y|Stinger | | 7|8918|0141|1115|0726|Men of Sea|Y|Fish |Sand |11500|Mexico | |Boomerang | | 8|3161|5656|0424|7403|Psychics | |Boo |Ice |42400|Holland | |Wheelie | | 9|6464|5814|0626|1992|Gamblers | |Accurate |Concrete|62600|Brazil | |Psycho | |10|0920|3939|0602|2916|Miners | |Mole |Soil |60200|Italy |Y|Mega Drive| |11|0335|2414|0223|3618|Ninja |Y|Boomerang |Bumpy |22300|Argentina | |Boomerang | |12|5321|0784|1128|5963|Islanders | |Banana | |12800|W. Germany|Y|Zigzag | +--+----+----+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ |13|6216|6210| | |France/Sci| |Gigant/Com| | | | | | |14|5872| | | |Brazil | |BumbleBee | | | | | | |15|3479| | | |Argentina | |Rising | | | | | | |16|9283| | | |Italy | |Arch | | | | | | |17|5050| | | |Germany | |Sidewinder| | | | | | +--+----+----+----+----+----------+-+----------+--------+-----+----------+-+----------+ | | | | |4126|sound test| +--+----+----+----+----+----------+ The Sega Mega Drive version has all teams normally selectable in Vs except for a 13th all-star team. Individual players have varied stats on all teams in that version. Unfortunately, control, hit detection, and most players' shots are awful. Best strategy is to play as Kouji and keep doing his bicycle kick super shots. The regular shoot button does bicycle kicks and diving headbutts in appropriate situations instead of pressing both buttons. *****One last bonus... Here's what faces were used in Nintendo World Cup teams. It's different from how the teams match by hex value. USA = new faces except Don = Gouda (even though he's not in NKS) Gouda is Ivan in River City Ransom and Spreck in Crash's Street Challenge Cameroon = new faces Japan with mixed up names = Nekketsu 3 forwards of France = 3 forwards of Bikers Russia = Firemen with altered hair Spain = Psychics without underwear on their heads England = Men of the Sea without headbands Mexico = Hunters Holland = Announcers Brazil = Ninja without pony tails Italy = Okinawans Argentina = Miners Germany = Gamblers, mostly with lighter glasses