Klowneer's Marble Madness is a Multi Marble Madness Hack Changes in Version 1.1 Updated in 2022 I got rid of the Orange on Orange Time Left Text, and the Marble looks much better in this updated version, I made some more Text Changes and Updated the Palettes for version 1.1, Player is now called Marble and you can select 1 Marble or 2 Marbles when starting the game, but I did not chnge this for where you name The Player. There are now additional names on the High Rollers list now called Big Tumblers that all have beatable scores except for my High Score which is now unbeatable & unique. I also changed the Palette of the Title Screen for this updated version. This works best with the Latest Version of the Emulator FCEUX, other Emulators may not display it correctly. The Level select Cheats from Gamehacking.org do not work for this version and will just cause the game to act wierd and reset it's self. I also updated the text for the Black and White version to match the 2022 version 1.1. This is about all I can do to Marble Madness currently as there is no Level Editor or Graphic Decompressor for the game. If you aren't satisfied with this hack, maybe you could try making a proper program for it or at least change the Mapper to MMC3 or something simular and make it Use CHR-Ram. As I still don't know enough about iNES Mappers, Although I have studied them extensively for several years and have documented a lot stuff about them through many trials and errors but I still can't make a Valid Mapper Hack. So well you are own your own for that.. Best Of Luck.. Happy Hacking.. I took down a shortlist of locations of certain Palette's for the game and am including a document for it in the Archive. So if someone doesn't like the colors in this version they can open the Palette Document and try changing it themselfs or use it to make a new hack I don't care.. there are three sets of patches Normal Easy and Hard modes Black and White "Grey-scale" I forgot about and leftout the easy patch for the plain old Marble Madness in version 1.1. Note: I do not know what happens at the end of the game because I can't pass level 6 the supposed final level, I do know there is an end game text but It was not Changed, and neither where other elements of the in game text such for different rounds that has to be there for Marble Madness or it wouldn't make since. The Normal version has mostly fully altered Palettes there is however some left over resido in some places from the original Palette that I do not know where they are located in the rom and couldn't fix them I did try in some cases to work around them and it worked for some levels better than others, Text Changes are mostly on the Title Screen, the High score Area where I implemented a hack to give myself an extremely implausible Highest Score, and some Crediting that is only seen if you press start and let the game set there twice and don't press start again comes up after the High score Area is seen and at the end of the second wait, some Sprites were changed but very few of them like when "The Marble Breaks", the whole of which is compressed as Marble Madness doesn't have Char-Ram or "Vrom", also I used MMTE to make the easy and hard versions which changed the amount of time for rounds easy gives lots of time and hard much less. I couldn't pass the 6th Level so there are no changes beyond that but it's palette was altered as well. The Black and white version is the same as above except that I took some game genie codes provided by Rockman that are available on the internet and made their changes permanent so then I had to fix some other parts of the rom so all text would show up on the screen in the black and white mode of the game that this enables, and so it is slightly different than the normal version making the easy and hard versions of it, both more difficult in this version because in some parts it is like playing blind so it takes a skilled player to get through levels but it is fully playable except that I couldn't pass the normal 6th level so I don't know beyond that point. The levels are the same as the default unmodified marble madness so if it isn't passable that isn't because my hacks. The third is just for making the original game easy. Special Thanks Go To Guyver (X.B.M.) for MMTE 1.0 and Rockman for the GGCodes for B&W mode. BW=Black and White N=Normal Rom ISO INFO Marble Madness (U) [!].nes CRC32: 09874777 MD5: 81706abdae6d1d11b0c8986fc4383ec0 SHA1: EAAA0F6D5D94EC692EAF9A61F593674829289914 This was a pain to make and took years to get where it is though a lot was done in a short time at different periods over the years. I never want to see a Marble ever again. Thank you.. Hacking: Me_Dave Email: spongejayday@yahoo.com