DRAGON WARRIOR 2 - DOUBLED Hack by Psyklax v1.0 (20180123) CONTENTS 1. Intro 2. ROM Information 3. Final Thoughts INTRO This is a hack of Dragon Warrior 2 for the NES which doubles the experience and gold earned from enemies in battle, however the game adds experience points on top of those gained from enemies, so the result is not truly double. ROM INFORMATION GoodNES name: Dragon Warrior II (U) [!].nes CRC32: E9F5BE99 This patch does NOT work with Dragon Quest 2, the original Japanese version of the game. FINAL THOUGHTS This was one of the first "doubling" hacks I tried, and initially I got it wrong, but I didn't realise until I was near the end of completing the game! Initially I did the doubling at the wrong point, so although the battle winning message told you you got double the experience and gold, in reality you didn't. So I fixed it by doubling as soon as each enemy is defeated, so the final total takes care of itself. Of course, this game is weird in that you don't simply get the combined experience of all enemies, you also get a bonus, so my hack doesn't do a true double, but it's close enough. There are plenty more doubled hacks from me, so check them out! Tools I used for this translation: FCEUX (best NES emulator for debugging and hacking) HxD (general hex editing) Psyklax http://s346165667.websitehome.co.uk/psyktrans/