Hack Name: Super GreyScale Brothers An Hack Of: Smb1.nes Hacking: Me_Dave Submitted by: Klowner Email: klowner@myway.com WebSite: N/A Release Date: 1-07-2007 Changes from normal smb1 the entire palette has been changed to a 6 color greyscale palette, Which is only 4 colors with 2 varient colors. Grey Lightgrey Black White Grey2 White2. It is a stand alone palette change no seperate palette file is needed and it will work in any emulator regardless of the palette used. Why greyscale was my attemp to encourge someone to consider making a greyscale nes emulator. And now it is just a lost dream. My next greyscale dream is the legend of zelda. Hack has been tested with Nesticle, Fce utra, Virtuanes, Nessie, Nesten, & Famtasia. What you need to use the patches the rom SMB1 title good dump.nes preferably the one that works with fce ultra but I included a patch for the SMB1 notitle bad dump.nes. Incase you can't find the other one. You will need an ips patcher like lunar ips. The patches PALHACKG.IPS The good dump patch. PALHACKB.IPS The bad dump patch. Don't ask me where to get roms you are on your own. Use these patches at your own risk warrenty not included. Special thanks goto Silver X for the easy to understand nes hacking document, a beginners guide to nes rom hacking.