Ghosts'N Goblins Very Easy (NES) Hacked by Andrei Vdovin a.k.a. Chronix Email me if you find any glitches in my hack. Thanks in advance! Changes: This archive contains two versions of the hack: ---------------------------------- Very Easy: * Default weapon is knife * Firebrands, Cyclops, Goblins and Demons have less hitpoints * Push SELECT button to choose weapon * Enter the last boss lair with any weapon * Don't have to beat the game twice Easy: * Push SELECT button to choose weapon * Enter the last boss lair with any weapon * Don't have to beat the game twice Original ROM: ----------------------- Ghosts 'N Goblins (U) [!].nes File size: 131 088 PRG ROM: 8 x 16KiB CHR ROM: 0 x 8KiB ROM CRC32: 0xb4e4879e ROM MD5: 0x8c3c9b041392f8ef06f6b0c7432c589c Mapper #: 2 Mapper name: UNROM Mirroring: Vertical Battery-backed: No Trained: No