Final Fantasy Restored - 2019 Script Port v1.3 by Chaos Rush This patch ports the new 2019 Translation of Final Fantasy over to the Final Fantasy Restored v1.0 hack. Only NPC dialogue was changed, and some very small changes in the story scene text for consistency. Items and monster names were not changed since both already used near-identical terminology. The shop dialogues and item descriptions were also not altered and left as they were in Final Fantasy Restored (except to fix any naming continuity errors). The script port is not 100% identical to the 2019 translation. Due to the larger size of Final Fantasy Restored's DTE table, there was actually a little bit more room for the text, thus a small amount of the dialogues were expanded upon for clarity and accuracy. Apply this patch AFTER you applied the Final Fantasy Restored v1.0 patch. Changelog: v1.3 - October 24th, 2019 -script updated to v1.3 of the translation v1.11 - July 29th, 2019 -script updated to v1.11 of the translation -title screen year text changed to, "2010AE,2019CR" to make it easier to identify if patch was applied correctly v1.0 - July 28th, 2019 -initial release