The Goonies II (USA) Mapper Conversion From UNROM to MMC5 (from UNROM to Mapper 5) by Dracula X RELEASE DATE: August 17, 2019 Last Modified: 5-21-2020 Bankswitch: To use it, all you have to do is select a bank and jump to it. LDA bank_number JSR $FFE0 You can also use Nflate from Utilities to expand the ROM up to 512kb. You can now use free RAM space at $5c00 to 5fff and $6000 to $7fff for cool or new stuff. Bankswitching: to bankswitch from $8000 - $Bfff and from $C000 - $ffff, here's how to do it: LDA bank_number JSR $FFC0 JMP New Location or LDA bank_number JSR $FFC0 RTS New location would be $8000 or $A000 etc... Bank 08 would be at $20010. Credits: Rockman: for info on how to convert the mapper! Disch: for his mapper docs! Have fun! This patch also works for: Goonies 2 - Fratelli Saigo no Chousen (Japan) This patch does not work for: Europe Version Hacks supported: All! Hacks not supported: MMC3 Hacks Use Delta Patcher to patch the xdelta file to the ROM. Ignore the checksum and then patch the file. Changes for this version 1.2: Changed the MMC5 Setup and changed the bankswitch code to a new location and now, all hacks are now supported except for MMC3 hacks. Changes for this version 1.1: Change all $FF's to $00's in the expanded ROM area from location $20000 Non Supported Emulators: Nintendulator RockNES VirtuaNES