Journey to Silius Mapper Conversion Patch FROM Mapper 1 (MMC1) TO Mapper 5 (MMC5) Converted by Dracula X RELEASE DATE: 11/28/19 Last Modified: 10/28/2021 Happy Thanksgiving! PRG Bankswitch Routine is at $C6ED To switch banks from $C000 - $FFFF, use like so: LDA bank_number JSR $C6ED JMP to any location in $8000-$BFFF CHR Sprite Bankswitch Routine (Left side of PPU) is at $C70D To switch sprite pages, use like so: LDA page_number JSR $C70D CHR Background Bankswitch Routine (Right side of PPU) is at $C723 To switch background pages, use like so: LDA page_number JSR $C723 Nametable Mapping Routine (one of its uses is mirroring) is at $EBFC To change mirroring for instance, use like so: LDA mirroring_number (#$50 for Horizontal, #$44 for Vertical) JSR $EBFC Hacks supported: All Hacks not supported: The Terminator It will still work but the title screen is not working right. Use Delta Patcher to patch the ROM. Ignore the checksum and then patch the file. 10/28/2021 Changes for this version 1.2.0: I think all emulators are now supported. Changes for this version 1.1: Changed the main mirroring swap to a new default location $EBFC and moved the MMC5 Setup to a new location at $3FF10 so people can use that free space at $1EBB0. Forgot to add PRG/CHR swapping with MMC5 equivalents to JSR's. Credits: Rockman or RetroRain: for info on how to convert the mapper! Disch: for his mapper docs and a better MMC5 startup!