Welcome to nattou's Trog! NES patch project nattou (Micah Cowan)'s home page : http://micah.cowan.name/ This project on github : https://github.com/micahcowan/trog-patch/ Email: micah@addictivecode.org ROM patches included: famicom2p: A patch that lets the 2nd player use the A button for joining (permitting use via Everdrive on a Famicom) fair-pvp: A patch that equalizes/balances PvP fighting in multiplayer games (without this patch, player 1 has a _very_ heavy advantage) nerfed: A patch that removes... basically everything from the game. Not useful for playing the game, useful for testing PvP :) mirror2p: A patch that mirrors player 1 controller to player 2 movement, reversing left/right. There is a bug which can cause player 2 not to stop punching player 1 once punching is started; this behavior does not appear if combined with the fair-pvp patch. This patch was designed to facilitate testing, and not to enhance gameplay. During the course of developing these patches, the following Game Genie cheat codes were also discovered: ZEUAIAPA - Infinite t-rex (1 of 2) SUXPZKVS - Infinite t-rex (2 of 2) ATVPTTXZ - Removes all enemies (trogs) from the game. Kinda eerie! EYSAUTEI - Players only fall if they are invincible AEKEZAGP - Players don't spawn with invincibility AAXOAXPZ - Prevents players from picking up powerup items GAOOGXTE - Prevents players from picking up eggs PXOKUSPE - Prevents powerups and tarpits - and exits! - from spawning EOOTSAAP - Enables player 2 to join/continue with the A button (game genie equivalent to famicom2p patch) ---=== TO USE THESE PATCHES ===--- You will need an original NES rom for Trog! for the US, matching these checksums: File SHA-1: DA36075188C98C0434BC78CE0554942948F4228E File CRC32: DD6141DF ROM SHA-1: 29CA7CC398B855472C9D94E7581BE8288468382B ROM CRC32: EE6892EB Do NOT ask me for ROMs, patched or unpatched - I will not provide them. . You will also need an IPS patcher program. There are numerous available on the web; search at ROMhacking.net, on GitHub, or on Google.