METRO ANDROID 1 some for the more for a few to the end for item(s) checklist: -------------------- Samus ship data log following the original Metroid: Having reached the planet's surface Samus catches her breath after surviving the huge self-destruct time-bomb explosion. Arriving at her ship ready to leave this forsaken place she abruptly notices some remaining Space Pirates working nearby. "Surely nothing could have survived such an explosion," she thought as she carefully investigated the bizarre situation. Indeed many surviving Space Pirate forces remained topside and were hastily rebuilding their destroyed Zebesian fortress. Impossible she thought. "Am I dreaming? Did I not escape the blast in time? How could this be?" she worried to herself. Samus of course knew that she was indeed very much alive and that this new absurd reality was sadly in fact very real... -------------------- Using caution and avoiding detection Samus locates an abandoned terminal and begins to interface with the enemy's network. Space Pirate data indicates that intense genetic engineering and certain "unethical" breeding practices were authorized. The enemy was able to replenish depleted forces who then immediately began abrupt new phases of facility reconstruction. Evidence of "time travel" indicates circumvention of physical laws and spacetime which allowed for the impossible progress. "How else could they get so much done so quickly?" she quipped as she downloaded more of their sinister plans and reports. Data also reveals the "god-like" AI program developed to run the original Mother Brain had suprisingly survived destruction. And not only survived but has been "abstractly" rewriting itself exponentionally approaching "total and perfect effeciency". Additional data indicates "murdered" leaders Kraid and Ridley have both been successfully genetically resurrected in full. The pair are now overseeing overhauls of respective hidden subterranean lairs refered to only as Hideout I and Hideout II. Map data though corrupt suggests altered passageways in order to "confuse and disorient the Bounty Hunter should she return". Inventory database shows Kraid and Ridley each hoard 75 Missiles which should well prepare Samus for a final Tourian assualt. Mortified by this information Samus ventures along the Craterian surface and once again into the depths of planet Zebes... -------------------- So far Brinstar is more expansive and fortified than before. Luckily another working terminal is found with even more data: Bombs are again stored in Brinstar and should be fairly easy enough to access assuming navigation to their original location. Some Brinstar upgrades are in locked vaults each requiring 5 missles in order to gain access and bypass the locked Red Doors. Therefore a Missle Pack is required and first priority in order to access sealed vaults containing weapon and suit upgrades. Long Beam is in original location. Appears less effort put into item relocation and instead into security and level layouts. Ice Beam is located familiarly in Brinstar. Interestingly though 4 other Ice Beams have been dispacted to the Norfair area. Policy mandated for increased security and quick access under such harsh thermal conditions. Varia Suit highly recommended. Wave Beam is powerful and can pass through walls and still can be found in Norfair but seemingly in a new different location. Ice Beam recommended for freezing enemies and even using them as platforms in order to gain access to above higher chambers. Tourian rebuilt with increased security by utilizing Red Doors throughout. Maximum missles as well as energy is required... -------------------- Area specific inventory data as follows: BRINSTAR: 2 missile packs and 3 energy tanks. HIDEOUT I: 4 missile packs and 1 energy tank. Rumours of augmented jump ability are present but currently unsubstantiated. NORFAIR: 12 missle packs. Extreme heat environment. Varia Suit recommended. Varia Suit likely still in Brinstar locale. HIDEOUT II: 3 missile packs and 1 energy tank. Screw Attack presently stored deep within Hideout II as a security measure. TOURIAN: Ice Beam needed to dispatch Metroids which drop 30 energy or 30 missiles. Assume self-destruct protcol in place...