___ __ __ _ / __|_ _ _ __ ___ _ _ | \/ |__ _ _ _(_)___ \__ \ || | '_ \/ -_) '_| | |\/| / _` | '_| / _ \ |___/\_,_| .__/\___|_|_ |_| |_\__,_|_| |_\___/ _ _ _ | \| |___|_|__ __ / _ \ _ _ ___ __| |_ | __|_ _ __ _| |__| |___ __| | | .` / -_) V V / | (_) | || / -_|_-< _| | _|| ' \/ _` | '_ \ / -_) _` | |_|\_\___|\_/\_/ \__\_\\_,_\___/__/\__| |___|_||_\__,_|_.__/_\___\__,_| 1.0 by Famiclone When you beat Super Mario Bros. the Princess presents you with a "New Quest" and also that you can "push button B to select a new world." This hack enables the new quest (aka "second quest" or "hard mode") without enabling world select, as enabling world select is what also enables hard mode after beating the game naturally. When starting a new game it checks the world select flag at $07fc, and stores that value in the hard mode flag ($076a). This patches it to read the game timer at $07fa which should be 1 during this check, and loads that value into the accumulator instead. When it stores that value into the hard mode flag, everything falls into place. Alternatively you can use Game Genie code XNNATXKN to perform this without the IPS patch.