Hi everyone ! Thank you for downloading Super Hack Mario ! I hope you'll have as much fun playing it as I did developing it. Super Hack Mario is a ROM Hack of Super Mario Bros. with an increased difficulty level, as well as new graphics. This guide will help you in your quest to rescue the princess. The lives: They are located in each first level of each world. In Worlds 2 and 4, you need to have had all the coins of the third level of the previous world (all the coins of the world 1-3 to have the life of the 2nd world, for example). In worlds 3, 5 and 6, the lives are located do not require to get all the coins, since the lives are hidden in classic blocks. BEWARE ! The life in world 4 cancels the animation of the flag, makes the flag disappear, and does not give any points. The warp zones : Two warps zones are scattered in this game : one in world 2, the other one in world 4, in new places compared to the original version of Super Mario Bros. However, an intriguing element in World 2 should give you a clue ;) Piranha plants in world 4-2: Although this underwater level is composed of pipes, at first glance without Piranha plants, they are, in reality, present. They are sometimes visible when an enemy such as a Koopa Paratroopa passes in front of them. So be very careful when it's time to pass a pipe ! To make it easier for you ;) : World 2-1 : The passage with a red Koopa Troopa walking on a pipe (thus a Piranha plant) can be very difficult. 3 solutions are possible to pass : - Take the warp of the level, which will bring you out to the place where the Koopa initially walks - Take a mushroom and pass in force - Try to land on the extreme left of the pipe to avoid the plant, then kill the Koopas. World 5-2 : At some point, in this level, a huge hole separates two platforms and Mario will not get to the other side, even if he jumps. with all its might. Nevertheless, Bullet Bills will be able to help him. You have to wait for Bullet Bills to be pulled to the right and Jump at the right time to jump on that Bullet Bill, which will get you to the other side. World 6: World 6 is quite special: indeed, the 3 levels preceding the castle are labyrinths whose exit must be found. Good luck! PS: Many thanks to Insectduel for SMB Utility, to all the authors of YouTube tutorials, unfortunately too numerous to name them all, to Data Crystal for the display of ROM and RAM maps, to HPJ and segwayspeedracer for their help on the RomHacking.net forum, to all the authors of the software used (SMBTitleEditor, Tile Layer Pro, Piskel, SMB Remodeler) and to all those who made possible the release of this ROM hack.