Penguin Land NES / Famicom From Pangent Technologies Sega's Penguin Land is ported to the Nintendo Entertainment System. Well, sort of. This is based on the unlicensed clone "Duck Maze." Apply this IPS patch to this ROM: Database match: Duck Maze (Australia) (Unl) Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20180803-121122) File SHA-1: 7A4E1430C74B226FF9CF59F63C185E34CA09D568 File CRC32: 1C1CA36 ROM SHA-1: 261CD2397B65C43F50F56C367AF5CC5E99BE6116 ROM CRC32: FF1CEFAA Doki Doki Penguin Land is a series of puzzle platform games developed and published by Sega, and which began in 1985. All games in the series feature a very similar formula whereby players guide an egg to the bottom of a level by moving or destroying blocks. The egg cannot fall more than a certain distance, nor can it come into contact with an enemy or it will break and the player will lose a life. Doki Doki Penguin Land (どきどきペンギンランド, Doki Doki Penguin Rando, lit. "Heart Pounding Penguin Land") is the first title in the series. Originally released in 1985 for the SG-1000 and MSX, it was also among the few games to receive an arcade port running on hardware closely based on the SG-1000. The first game remains the most widely ported, and has been compiled on the Sega Saturn, various cell phones, and a loose adaptation on the Game Boy by Pony Canyon, which inspired this clone. Duck Maze is a platform puzzle game developed and published by Bit Corporation in 1987, making it the very first Nintendo unlicensed video game released for Famicom (internationally known as NES). The title has been later published in 1990 by HES and Dismac, respectively in Australia and Brazil. Duck Maze is a clone of Doki Doki Penguin Land by Sega, in which the player control a duck to guide an egg downwards of its 20 levels by moving or destroying blocks. Furthermore, one of the three lives available can be lost when this egg touch an enemy or when it breaks down falling too high. CHEATS 0x2fd = printed out location for # of lives. 0xc3 = 0 lives = game over. I have been unable to find the # of lives. 0x327/36c = level #--I think you need to change both of these. FAQ/Walkthrough version 1.0.0 by (anti spam spoonerism) Level 1: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXv====*XXXXXX X X X XX*XX X X XXXXXXXXXX*X XXXXXX X X X X XXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXX X XXXXXXX XX* XXXXXX XXX===v===XX XXX X X X * X XXXXXX XX*X XXXX X XXXXXXXXXX*X XXX XX X X *XXXX XXXXXX X X XXXXX==v=X X X Xv==== X X X X XXXX XXXX X X XXXXXXX XXX*XvX XXXX XXXXXXXX X X X XX *XX X X XXXXX XXXX XXXXX X XX*XX X X X XXXXX *XXXXX X XXXXXX X X X XXXX X * XXX XXXX XXX X XX X====XXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXX X XXXXX XXXX X X XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I like to dig the egg down the right side here. Make sure it doesn't fall off the very edge, but onto the 6-wide platform, then tip it right and back left. Dig the leftmost square, drop and push the egg over the egg-only hole. Stand on the block and dig left. Push the block 2R and dig left 2x so you can push the block down to the left. Then push the block right of it to the right, in one hole, and push the other block right so it lands on the bear in the hole. Drop the egg through. 2-1 dig right of where you crushed the bear so you can push the egg down and right and back left. You may want to jump over the egg and fall left so it does not get stuck in a corner below the block. Then dig right and fall over the egg-tube and push left. Dig over the egg so that it falls on the outcropping L, so the bear cannot run down and get it. Jump over and knock the egg from the left. Push the egg into the 2-wide and back right. Dig under it, drop on it and dig under it. 2-1 dig right of the block so the egg falls in there. Push the block left to crush the enemy. Dig 1L of the egg, jump over and dig right so you can loop around the egg and push it left. Dig left after pushing the egg to the 4-wide hole and now 3-2-1 dig on the left so the egg falls down. Run into the egg so you don't 3-1 dig by mistake(a trap) then 2-1 dig to get the egg out. You have the time to jump over it and get the heart if you want. Level 2: X X X X XXXXXXXXX XXX X XXXXXXX X * X XXXXXX X XXXX XXXXXXXX X X XXX X X XX X X XXXXX X XX XXX X XXX X XXX X * * XXXXX X XXXXX X XX XXX X X X * XXX XXX===v===XX XXX XX* XXXXXX XXX XX X XXXXX XXXX XXXXX X X X XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXX==v=XXXXX X X X X X*X* XX XXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX X*X*XX XXXX XXXXXXX X *X*X*X X XX*X XX X XXXXXXXXX XXX XXXX XXX XXXXX X XXX X XXX X XXXXXX X XXX XX X X X X XXXXX====XXXX X X XXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Push the egg to the right edge and dig it down. Then push it left and dig it down, jump over it and crush the enemy to the right. Dig leftmost and drop the egg there. Fall left on the egg, dig the egg left and now jump to the left and push the block back to the right, crushing the cat. Dig to get to the heart and fall off the bottom, making a detour to push the green block into the cat. Jump over to the left so you can push the egg right, then dig it into the cavern below. Dig 2U1L and 1U of the cat in the DR. Let him push you left and then follow you off the edge. That gets rid of him. Dig the egg into the cave below and roll it right, then back left. When on top of the undiggables, push the egg left of them and dig 1L of the greens. Get the spare heart in midair by digging over it if you want. Fall on the egg and drop it left, then dig it when it is on the right square. Push it right. At this point you can dig the egg right til you can't any more. Taking time to get the heart is tricky as an enemy may appear inside the egg, but you can do it without pushing the egg. The digs shouldn't be too hard. Level 3 X X X X XXXX ======v==X X * X X X* XXX X X XXX X X X XXXX X X X X XXXXXXXX X XXX*XXXXXX==vX X XX*XX X Xv==== X X X X XXXXXX X X XXXXXX X X XXXXX X XX XXX X XXX X X * X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX X X X X=v== XXXXXXX XXX XX X X X X XX*X XX X X====XXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXX XXX XX X XX* XXXXXX XXX XX X X XXX*XXXXXX==vX X X XXX XX X XX* XXXXXX XXX *XX X X XXX*XXXXXX==vX X X XXX XX X XX*X* *XX XX X X XXXXXXX XXXXX X XXXXXX X X X X X * X XXXX*XXX XXX===v===XX XXX X * X X ======= X X XXXXXX X XXXXXXXX X X X * X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Drop the egg over the egg chute then send it down. Fall left and run back right so you can jump and push the egg left (twice) and then dig left so the egg drops. Now 2-1 dig the right edge so the egg will fall down and you can roll it left. Push the egg left and jump over it to push the block right. Dig over the heart and fall to lure the cat left, then drop the block on the cat. Drop the egg right then left and now be careful to jump over the egg, dig 1U1L of it, and push it right into the 3-wide gap. Drop the egg down the center of it, then dig each side of the block to your right and dig 1R1D of it and drop it down the chute. Follow it and fall left. Now you can crish the cat as it comes by. You need to dig down the left to fall into the UL and be able to push the egg left, then jump left to push it 2 squares right. Don't let it fall off, but 2-1 dig so that it lands on the 2-platform below. Then push it right. Dig 2-1(jump on the egg so it falls to the left) so the egg falls onto the undiggables, then jump on it and push it left. Dig left when 1R of the left, then fall on the egg and dig left. That should give plenty of time to outmaneuver the cat. Level 4 X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X * X XXXXXX XX*X XXXX XXXXX *XXXXX X XXXXXXX X XXX X XXX X X=v=== * X X XXvXXX X XX*X XX X XXXXXXXX X X XX* * XXXXXX X XXX* X X Xv==== X X X X XXXXX XXXXXX X XXXXXX X XX *XX X X XX XXXXXXXXX X XX X XXXXXX XXXX X X XXX* X X XXXXv====*XXXXXX XX *XX X X XXXX XXX XXXXX XX*X*X*X XXXvXX XXX*X*XX XX X XX*X*X*X XXXvXX X X X X X XX* XXXXXX XXXX ======v==X X * X XX X XXXXXX Xv==== X X X X XX*XX X XXXX XXX X XX X XXX*XXXXXX==vX XXXX X X * X XXXX XXXXXXXX X X XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX*X*X*X X X XXXXX XXXX X X XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig left of the gold block and push it right then left. Bring the egg along and push it left then right. Dig 1R2U of the egg so you can push it right, then dig so you can push the gold block into the corner. Push the egg left into the corner. Dig around the block to the right and push it right so it falls on the cat. Push the block left and right and now push the egg down. Place it 2 squares right of the chute and then jump up/right and dig right of the gold block so you can push it left, when the enemy is 2L of the chute. That will crush him. Push the gold blick 1R, dig and push the block 1L. Jump over the egg and drop it on the gold block. Now use the gold block on the right to dig all obstacles, then push the gold block to the right edge. Dig over the 3x1 and drop the egg into it. Dig 2 holes in the 3-cavern and drop the egg into the chute, then dig next to the chute and dig the egg again. Long jump left then go back right and push the egg to the right edge, dig and jump over it so you can dig and bait the cat left. Dig the cat into a hole by jumping over it and standing at the left edge and digging right. Now dig 1L 2L 3L of the right edge on the platform below, then let the egg drop, then dig 4L. Dig below the 3L square and now you can 2-1-1 dig to the bottom. You can also dig, push the right of the gold blocks left and make two digs. *X XX21 3X XX4X Level 5: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X XX *XX X X XXXX XXXXXXXX X X * X Xv==== X X X X XXXXXX X * X X XXX X XXX XXXXXXXX X X X X XXX X XXX XXXXX X X X X* *XX X X XXXXXX X X XXXXX X XX XXX X X XX XXX XXX XXX XXX XX X XXXXXX X X * X XX X X X* X X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX=== X X X XX *XX X X XX* XXXXXX XX*X*X*X XXXvXX XXXX X XXXX X XX XXXX X XX *XX X X X X X XXXXX XXXXXX X X X X X X XX XXX *XXX*XX X X X XXX X XXXXXXXX X X XXXX XXXXXXX X XXXXX XXXXXX X XX *X*X X X X XX XX X XXXXXX*X*X*X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig the egg 2L of the R, jump over and dig 1L of the R, then dig the egg down. Dig it on top of the L and jump on it, then jump left to dig it from the left. Jump to kick it back left and then dig left so you can dig under the egg. Drop on it again. Drop the egg to the left by the heart, then push both the blocks right of it to the right. Dig below where they were and push the egg right and left. When it is over the single block, dig it and fall to push it left. Now bait the enemy on the right to come down and follow you down the chute to the bottom. Remain just below him. Then dig over the egg so it falls right and avoids the enemy in the DL. Go to the right side and dig on the red block so it falls, then use it to dig the square to the left. Now bring the egg back right and 2-1 dig so it lands in the left of the DR room. Push it right and dig. Level 6: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXv====*XXXXXX X X X XX X X X XXX XX ====X XXX XXX XX X X X X X XXX X X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXX X*X*X X XX*XX XXX X X X XX XXX X X X X X X*X XXXXXX XX*X XXXX X X X X X XXXX * *XX X XXXXXXXXXXX X * X XXX * X XXXXXXXX X X X X ==vX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X X X*X X *X* X X XXXX X X X X XXXXXX X X XXX X X X X X XXXXX *XXXXX X XX*XX X X XXX X X Xv==== X X X X XXXXXXXX X XXXXX X XX XXX XXXXXXX==v=XXXXX X X X X X X X==X==X XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The big starter combo is the only real area of contention here. Get through that, and the rest is easy. Dig left, dig the boulder, and then push the egg left right and then dig so you fall 1L of the egg. Push the boulder to the right. On the boulder, dig left, 1L, dig left and drop the boulder in. Dig 1U1L, 1U and 1U1R of the buried boulder, then L and R of it, and push it on the other. Go to the left side and dig to fall off the edge and go back right to kick the egg R L L R. When it is on the boulder, kick the boulder. Drop to push the egg right, then dig so it drops on the single square. Push it onto the egg chute. Drop it in. Then push the egg L R. In the 2-pit below, jump over the egg so it is at the left. Dig over it then fall on it. Final bit: X 12XX X3 X XX4X Dig as above and jump over the egg and push it left so it falls a square, then dig on it. Level 7: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X * X X * X X*===v=*XXXX*X X X X XXX X X XXXXXX X X *XXXX X XXX X XXX X * X X XXXX X X X X XXXXX====XXXX X X*X*XXX Xv==X X * X X X ==vX X XX*XXXX X X X=v=== * X XXXX XXX XXXXX X XX*XX X X X XXX X X X X X X * * XXXXX X XXX=v== XX XXXX XXX XXXXX XX X *X* X X XXXXXX X X XXXXXXX XXXXX X XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX==v=XXXXX X X X XX X X XXXX XXXX XX XXX XXX XXX===v===XX XXX XX *XX X X X====XXX XXXXXX XX XXX *XXX*XX XX X *X* X X XXXXXX X X XX X X XXXXX==v=X X XXX X XXX XXXXXX** X X XXXXXXXXXX*X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig the egg and make it fall right, then push it right. Dig as follows to kick it down some more. 21 X3 XX4 *X65 X X7 X89X Now jump over to the left and push the boulder right in the pit, dig to each side and crush the enemy to the right. Dig through so the enemy walks after you, then jump back up and push the egg through the chute. Jump over the block and fall right and dig right with the enemy on the right edge. Let him fall, then drop the egg down the chute and jump/push the block 1 right. When both enemies are in the center or heading there, drop the block down. Drop the egg on the block. Push the block right(jump back left) and the egg left, then dig it down twice. Then dig the egg into the Z, then dig/push the block above down. *1* XXXX2X XXXX XXXXX Dig the egg down after 2, then dig: 123* 45XX 6==v= Again jump and push, then dig R of 5 and push the block left. Push the egg left. Push the block left, dig where it fell, and push the block left into the cat. Drop the egg down the chute. Go to the left edge and dig when over the block, push the block right and dig again. Now you can dig under the egg so it is not on the immovable bit. Then push it right and down, then cycle back left for the heart. Dig to get to the egg(4L of the chute) and 2-1 dig to win. Level 8: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXX XX X X X XXXX * *XX X XXXX XXXX X XXXXXX X X XXXXXX X X X X X X XXX X X X*===v=*XXXX*X X X * X X XXXX X X X X XXXXX====XXXX X X*X*XXX Xv==X X * X X XXX X X XX*XXXX X XXXX XXX XXXXX X XX*XX X X X XXX X X X X *X* X X XXX*XXXXXX==vX X XXX X XX X *X* X XXXXXX XXXXXX X X X X XXXX XXXX XX XX v X XX X XXXXXX XX*X XXXX X X* XXX X X XXX X X * X X XXXX XXXX X XX=== X X X X X X* X X X XXXXXXXXXX*X X * XXX X X XXX XX ====X XX*X*X*X XXXvXX X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 2-1 dig left of the mobile block and push it right. When the enemy falls, push the block onto him. Then roll the egg left and drop and right. You can dig left of the hole and push the block right. You can go 1/2 square right so the block falls and the egg does not, or you can just push the egg left, jump and dig left of the egg. Drop the egg on the block below to the right, and dig the block so it falls on the enemy. Push the block left and jump on t he block and dig left. Repeat until you can't any more. 2-1 dig and drop the egg. You need to jump left to drop on it to push it right. Keep pushing it right and dropping it, and you can dump it down the chute easily enough. Jump over the enemy and dig right, then jump on the block and dig left so you can push right. Roll the egg left so it falls. Wait for the enemy to fall down the chute to the left. Wait for both enemies to fall in a 1-hole below. Push the egg right so it falls twice. Dig left of the egg so you can roll it left all the way. Dig right over the block and left on the block. Drop the egg on the block. Then dig left after dropping the egg, and push the block right to crush the enemy. Drop the egg left and then dig right and fall. Dig left to make a 2-pit and then dig under the egg, push/drop left, and push/drop left. Level 9: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXX XX XX XXXX X X XXX===v===XX XXX X * X XXXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX X XXXX XXXX X XXXXXX X XX*X* *XX XX X XXXX XXXXXXX X * X X * X XXX===v===XX XXX X X X * X X ======= X XX* XXXXXX X X* X X X XXXXXXXX XX XX v X X XX X XXX X X * X XX X XX XXXXX X X X X XXX X X XXXXXXXX X XXX XX*X*X*XX X X XX*X*X*XXX XXXX X X X XXXX ======v==X X X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX X X=== X XXXXXX XXXXXX X * X X XXXXXX X X XXXXX XXXXXX X XXX X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Push the egg and dig it down the right edge. Then, by the 2x2-pit, 12X 3XX XX4X X5 XXXX6 Push the egg onto the immovable, fall right and dig left and drop and dig left. Wait for the enemy to drop off the screen. Push the egg right. Go to the left and get the heart and jump and hit under the block twice so it falls. Push the block right, dig left of it, jump and push it right. Then jump and push it left after digging. You want things to look like: *X XXXh XXXXXXX Fall through to the left and the enemy will jump after you. Now jump on the egg from the left, dig right, then jump on it and have it tumble right and left. Get the heart and dig 1R of the block, which you can push right off the edge. Dig left, fall, dig left, fall, and get the egg and push it left. Dig right so it falls in, then fall left, dig under the egg chute and 1L, then dig right of the boulder and push it left, and go back and only now drop the egg in the chute. Otherwise the egg would be trapped--and now you can push the block on the cat to the right. Push/drop the egg left, dig left after falling on it, then dig right after falling on it. Level 10: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX X *X* X XXX*X X ====XXX X XXX XX*X*X*XX X X X XXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX X X X X X* X X Xv==== X X X X * X X XXXXXXXXXX*X XX X X*X*X XXXX X X XXXXXX*X*X*X X X XXX X XXX XXXXX X X X XXXXXX X X X XXXX XXXX XXXXXXX X XXXX XXXX XXXXXX XX*X XXXX XXXX XXX X XX X X XXXX X XXX X XXX X XXXXXX X X*X* XX XXXXXXX X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X * X X XXX* X X XX *XX X X X XX*X XX X X * XXX XXX===v===XX XXX X X=== X X X X X X X X * X XXXXXX X X XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXX*XvX X XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 123 *4* X Dig 1-3, kick the block on the left, dig 4 and roll the egg left ontoo the block to the left. Push the egg 2R and then dig below it and 1L, then below the egg. Dig and push right. Push the free block L R so you crush the cat. Then come back for the egg. Push it left, jump when it falls, push it right and dig at the last edge square. Now when you fall on it, it goes left. Dig left and drop it twice so it is on top of the block. Jump over it and push it right. Dig and drop on the valentine. Dig on the block to crush the enemy, then dig on the square you were on. Dig and fall left. Fall through. Dig under the egg and push it R L. It's in a 2 pit so dig: X1 X XX32X X 4XX 5XXX You can keep digging the egg left til it falls on the block suspended 2U of the unbreakables below. Push the block 2D1L of it into the left wall. Then dig the other block down and kick it right into the hole. Drop the egg so the rat doesn't get it, then drop the block 1U1R of the single hole off to the right so you can 2-1 dig in the corner. Chuck that block into the corner and push the egg right. Dig at the final right square so you can drop it right twice safely. Roll the egg left now, with two digs to the left so it falls in. Level 11: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX *XXXXX X * X XXXXXXX==v=XXXXX X X X XXXXXXX XXX*XvX X XXXXXX X X XXX X XXX XXXXXX** X X X X X X* XXX X X X X X XXXX==XXXXX X X XX *X*X X X XXXX XX XX XXXX X X X XXXX XXXXXXXX X X * X XX X XXXX XXXXXXXX X X * X X XXXX XXXX X X=v====X X XX X X X X XXXXXX XXXX X X*X*X*X X X X XX*X*X*XXX X X X*X XX X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX X XX X X=== X XXX*X X ====XXX XXXXXX XXXXXX X X X X * X X XXXXXX X XX X X*X*X XXXX XXXXXX*X*X*X X X XXX XX XXX X X XXXXX==v=X X XXXXXX X X XX XX X XXX XX X X XXXXXXXXXX*X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig so the egg falls on the chute. Jump to the other side and dig so you can drop the egg through the chute. Go right and dig, then dig 1R of the egg and blow there so you can drop the egg to the right. Drop onto the egg and dig the block below it. Push that block right to crush an enemy. Push the egg to the left edge, dig under it, fall, etc. to the right edge. Go back up and dig at the top so you fall down a long way. Let the enemy follow you, then jump to the left and fall down the left. Push the egg right so it falls twice once he is in the 2-pit. Dig 1R of the block the egg laded on, then fall through and dig to push the block right. Dig 2L 1L 1R of the block and push it over, then roll the egg left. 3-1 dig so you can drop the egg 1R, then jump over it and dig it from the right. Drop on it and push the block right. There's another block on top you can dig and push right. Do so. Now you need to push the egg to the left, eventually, but you must put everything in place. a0 3 2 1c8 XX754bX XX6 Dig 0, a 1L, then dig 1-2 and push a 4L and dig 3. Dig 4-5-6, drop a right, dig 7 and drop a right. Dig 8, drop c left. Dig b, then drop the egg on b and off to the left. Roll it into the DL corner and dig. If you have trouble getting the egg in a safe position, dig the DL and then jump from the left to the right at the top and dig there. Level 12: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXv====*XXXXXX X XXXXXX X XXXXXX*X*X*X X X X X X X X X*X XX X X X X X X X X X==X==X XXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X *XXXX XXX===v===XX XXX X X X X X X XX*X*X*X XXXvXX XX XXXXX X X X XX*X XX X X XXXXXXX XXXXX X X XXX XX ====X X XXX X XXXXv====*XXXXXX X XXXXXX X X *X* X X X XXXXXXX XXX*XvX XXXX X X XX * X X XXX XX XXX X XXXXXX XXXXXX X X XXX XXX Xv==== X X X X X XXXXXX X XXX XXXXXX** X XXXXXX*X*X*X X XXX*XX *X* X X X ==vX X X X*X XX X X XX *X*X X X X XXXXX XXXX X XXX*X X ====XXX X X X* *XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig as follows so the egg falls below the 5, then dig it: 1234 X56 Drop the block to the right on the advancing enemy, then knock the left top block down and push it so you can dig left. Then push the block left onto the enemy. Dig and push the block left to the edge, and the other one right, so the egg can roll right. Dig the egg from the right in the 2-pit. Drop the egg through the chute and dig 1L of the top block, then 1R of it and push it left after digging the square where it would've fallen. *X X XX Dig right on the block and push it left. Repeat to kill the enemy. Roll the egg right, jump over it after it and push to the left of the 4-pit, dig it and let it fall twice. Jump and dig left so you fall L R and thus kick the egg right. 2-1 dig so it falls harmlessly. Push the egg 1L of the chute, then dig left and push the block below 1R. Now dig the 3 squares to the left. Dig down to the 3-cavern(1U and 2U of the left edge) and dig the right two squares inside. Fall through and push the egg onto the block, and dig the block. Roll the egg down to the safe bit and stick it over the chute. X21 ==43 * *5 XXX6 Dig 1-5, then dig 6, fall through and push the egg back left then right to complete the level. Level 13: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX* X*XX XXXXX *XXXXX X XXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X*===v=*XXXX*X X X XXX X X XXX X X XXXXX====XXXX X XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X XXX*XX *X* X X X X X X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXX X X X X X X X*X*X*X X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X*===v=*XXXX*X X X X X XX*XXXX X XXXXXX XXXXXX X XX*XX X X X X X XXX X X X XXX XX XXX X XXXXX XXXX XXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXX X X XX XX XX X XXXXXX X X X X X X*==v===X==v==*X X X XXXX X XX XXXX X X XXXX XXXX X X=v====X XXX XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig the 3 squares on the right and push the egg right. Drop, dig left and then dig 1R of the lower block to push it and crush the enemies. Dig 2U and 1R2U of the chute to drop the egg down after you roll it. Kick the boulder to the right and drop the UL block down after digging the left part of the floor below. Do it when the enemy is in the center going left, to be sure. Drop the egg left once. 43 5 *6 1XXX 2XXX Fall to the DR after digging 1/2, then dig under the egg. Jump over it and dig each side of the block to crush the enemy below. Then dig each side of the next block over. Push the block in the 4-pit 1R(dig from the right) and dig left when on it. Push the block into the corner. Now you can push the egg L R. Dig under it at the right edge so it falls on the floor above the brick. Push it right 2 squares so you are over a brick and it is at the top of the stairs. Dig the egg down. Fall on it and dig right. Jump to the right edge, then jump up and go left so you can dig left. Watch the cat go splat. Push the egg to the left corner, then dig 1U and 1U1R of it. Kick the egg back right and dig 1L of the block and dig the block. Fall in the left pit and jump and push the block back right to a hole. Now you need to dig the block to the bottom so it interferes with the cat. X X 123 4 X X XXX 56 987 X XXXXX aXcb dXXXX X XXXeXXXXXXXX X X XX XX XX X Dig as above, pushing the block into the next available hole. Finish things by dropping the block on the cat. You may have to shuffle it. Only then push the egg to the left, then jump over the top so you can push the egg back right after it falls. The rest is a gimme. Roll the egg to the center and dig below it continually. Then drop it down the chute and dig 1L and 1L1D of the chute. Level 14: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X * X X X * XXXX X XXXXX XXXX XXXXX X X * X X X XXXXXXXX X X * X X XXXXXXXXXX*X XXX===v===XX XXX X X X X X *XXXX X X==X==X XXXX X X XXX X X X XXXX XXXX X X XX X XX* X*XX X XXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X=v====X XXX* XX X X X X X XXX X X XXXXXX X X XXXX XXXX X XXXX XXXXXXXXX X XXX * X XX X X X XXX X X X X X XXXXXXX XXX*XvX X X X X XXX X X XXX XX*X*X*XX XXXXv====*XXXXXX X X XX*X*X*XXX XX XXX XXX XX *XX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXX X X ======= X X * X X=v===X*X=====vX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig the egg into the center square and push it left. Push it right after it falls, then dig it by the block. Jump on it and crush the enemy to the right, then push the left block left to crush the other enemy. Now go right to the edge and dig right as you go back left. Push the green block all the way right into the hole. Land on it and dig each way. Drop right, jump and kick the green block left. Dig right on it so you can 2- 1 dig below. Though after the egg falls(first dig,) go right and be prepared to drop the block on the advancing enemy. Dig the egg to below the next cat. Dig 4L 3L 2L 1L of the egg and push it left. Then jump to the left side and 2-1 dig to get the cat to follow you. Drop down to oblivion. He'll follow, and you'll reappear at the top. Dig under the egg, so it drops. Then go dig the UL square so you can push a green block right. *21 34X 5XX XXX Dig 1-2, push the egg down, push the block left, and dig 3-4-5. That leaves the egg safe. Push the egg left to the edge. Push the block right after digging 1. Then dig 2/3 and push the block right. Go 1U1R and stand on the left edge and jump twice to bring the above block down. Right edge of the left platform won't work. *1 2 3 XXXXXX Dig 1R of the fallen block. Cut the egg over to the right and let it fall into the corner. Push the top block left, then dig the 3 squares right of the other block, so you can push it into a corner. Put the egg on the left of the 2 boulders and dig up everything you can to the right. Push the blocks left, in order left to right. Drop the egg down 1 and now dig the right side: 321 *45 6X Now snake the egg down and don't put it in the chute--dig either floor space, drop and dig again. Detour for the heart if you want. Level 15: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXX X XXXXXX X X X X*X XX X X X XXXXXX X X X X X X XX X *==v===X XXX XX X XX X X XX* XX*XX XXXXXXX XXX*XvX X X XXX X XXX*XX *X* X XXXX * *XX XXXXXXXXXXXXX X Xv==== X X X X X X X XXXXX X X X X X X X X* *XX XXX*XX *X* X X XX XX*X*X X X XXXXXXXX XXX XX X X X X X X X X XXXXXX X Xv=== XXX XXX X X * * XXXXX XX X X X X X X X XX XXXXX X X X X X XXXXX X X XX* XX*XX X X XXX * X X X * X X X XX XXX X X * X X XXXXXXXX X XXX* X X XXXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig under the egg and keep kicking it right. Then at the edge pull it back left. Drop it then land on it. Let the enemy trap himself. Dig around the right block to release it and crush the enemy. Dig 1R of the egg, drop in and roll the egg left then right--jump over it so it is not stuck in the corner. Drop it right, fall on it, dig and roll the egg right. Push one boulder left, then dig over the cat, and jump under one boulder an push it over the cat. Fall down to the 2-pit and dig and push the block right. Jump on back up and shift the egg L R R and, when you can push a block left, do so. Then fall after it. A cat will give chase into oblivion. Stand on the middle block, dig each side and push it right. Then push the egg into the 2-gap and then dig under it. Push it L L R R. Now back up and dig so you fall left of the egg and dig left. Fall L R L and dig your way out so you land on the top--put a hole on the left so that the enemy goes right there. Fall on the egg from the right. Push it L L. Jump to the right sole tile and then wait for the enemy to turn around. Jump so you push the egg right and then you can push it back left and to the hole you created. It's ok to place the hole directly where it falls off the last long ledge. Level 16: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XXXXX XXXX X X X X X * X X XXXXX XXXX X X XX XX X X XXXX XXXX X*X X X X XXXXX XXXXXXX XXX*XvX XXXXXXXX X X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX X X=== X XX X *X* X XXX*XX *X* X X X*X*X*X X X XXX X X XXX*X X ====XXX X X X X * X X X=v== XXXXXXX X XXX X X X X X XXXXXX X X XXXXX X XXX XX X X X * X X XX X X*X*X XXXX XXXXXX*X*X*X X X X X X X*X XX X X X ==vX X X XXXXXXX XXX*XvX X XXX X XXX X X==X==X XXXX X XXXXXXX XXXXX X X*X*XXX Xv==X X X X XXXXXX X XXXXXXX*X*X*X X X XX X X X XXX XXXXXX** X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig left, drop the egg, and dig left so the egg is in the niche at the corner of the L. Go right off the edge and back left and dig at the bottom. Go to the left side and dig so you can push the stone right, dig left on the stone, and push it in the big hole. You can jump up and knock the egg down now. Dig 1R of where it falls and push the egg there, then dig 2L 1L 1R of the stone. Push the stone left. Dig 1U1R, 1R, 1L of the stone and push it into the enemy. Run to the DR to activate the enemy. Drop the egg to the left edge. Dig right, fall right and dig right. Now in the DR, 1* *2*3 XXX X Dig 1, push the block left, dig 2/3 and push the block right into the pit. To get out, dig the DR--1U1L of the corner, then the corner. Now push the egg to the DR and when it is there, push it right, then dig left and fall in the hole and jump out. That traps the enemy. Push the egg off the right edge. Dig the rest of the bricks needed to push the block left on the enemy. Push the next block over left onto another enemy. Dig right of the center so you can drop the egg and roll it left into the 2-wide pit, then drop the other block in the corner. Dig 1R, then 1D of the egg so it lands on the 2-spire, then push it left. Dig left to drop it again. Jump back right and dig R L on top of the block to crush the enemy. You can drop a block down now and awaken the enemy and crush him into the side. Then push the egg on the grey block, left then right. Drop it between the two hard floors, then jump on it and dig left before the edge to drop it again. Then you just need to roll the egg all the way right and jump on it and dig left. Level 17: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXXXXXX*X*X*X X X XXX X XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X * X X=v===X*X=====vX X X X X XX*X* *XX XX X X XXXXXXXX X X XXXX==XXXXX X X X=== X X X X X XXX XX*X*X*XX X XXX X X X*X*XXX Xv==X X X XXXXXXXX X X XX X XXXXXX X * X X X=v=== * X X XX XX XX X XXX XXX XX X XXXXXXXXX X*X*XX X X X X X XXX XXX XXX XXXXXX** X X X X X X XXXX Xv==== X X X X X X X X X X XXXXXXXXXXX XX *XX X X XXX * X X====XXXXXXXXXXX X XX X *==v===X XXXXXX X X*==v===X==v==*X X * X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig the egg to the left side and drop it, then over the block, X123X XX4XX Dig 1-2-3 and then dig 4 from the left, and drop on the egg and dig it and drop on it. Crush the enemy to the left. Push the egg right til you are on the block and dig right. Drop on the egg and dig 2R 1R of the block to crush the enemy. Dig and drop the egg to the right edge. Push the egg back left and dig the 2 leftmost squares in the next platform. Fall, dig right and drop down the big chute. Everyone follows. Roll the egg left then a bit right, digging it to drop it 4R of the chute. You need to bring that suspended green block over, so jump under it and run away to avoid getting stunned. Stay on the left half and watch for the movement--better to jump too early than too late. Dig 1R of the block and push it left and continue. Keep doing so til the block can't be moved. Dig 1U1R of the block and dig down through the DR. Push the egg right then jump over it so you can push the block left. Dig 1L of the block you pushed then 1R of it, so you can push the block left. Push the egg so you can dig it onto the single floor and jump over the egg to push it left. Then dig when on the bpilder to push the egg left off the edge. This last bit looks like it should be easy, but watch out. Straight digging loses, but running the block into the enemy and digging right under the egg where the block was, then re-digging and dropping, wins. Level 18: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Xv==== X X X X X X====XXX XXXXXX X XXXXX XXXX X X XXXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXX*XvX X X Xv==== X X X X *XXXX X X=== X X X XX XXXXX X X XX X XXXXXX X=v===X*X=====vX X X XXXX X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX X X X XXXX XXX XXXXX X X X XXXX XXXX X X X X XX XX v X XXXX XXX X XX X XXvXXX XXXXXX X X X X X X* *XX X XXXXX XXXX X X XX*XX X X X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX X X X XX* XX*XX X * X XXX XX X X X X X* XXX X X XXXXXX X X X XXXX XXXX X X X X XXX X X XXX XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X4321 XX65 XX78X XX*Xv Dig the egg right. Drop it when over the block. Jump left then push the egg to the right corner. Dig right, push the block 1L, then bring the egg to the left and dig the two right squares. Push the egg off the right edge. The top block vanishes. Dig 1R of the other one and push it 1R, dig left and push it left. Jump and push it right and dig on it. Push it left, dig right and push left. Dig left when on the block in the center, then fall left and right to make the enemies follow you. Wait for them to die, then push the egg left. Push it back right and dig right: X*X*X*!* Drop on it, dig right and drop on it. Get the heart and then drop on the egg and place it over the chute. Dig left. Drop, 1R, dig left, then jump to dig the right edge and push the block right. Push the other block 1R. Fall through the bottom and wait to drop the egg through the chute. If the rat appears, drop the egg--the enemies on the left will eventually die anyway. Jump to push the egg R R L and 1L so it is 2 from the right. Dig under it. Drop on it from the left and dig the block inder it, then push the block right so the egg falls. Dig eft of the block to get more space, then dig left so the egg falls. That wakes up the final cat. Let him go to the pit and just roll/dig the egg left to complete this. Level 19: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X=v====X X X X X X XX*X*X*XXX X X XXX===v===XX XXX X X XXX X XXXXXX*X*X*X X X XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXXX X XX X X*X*X XXXX X * X X XXXX XXXX X XXXXXXX XXXX XX XX XXXX X*==v===X==v==*X XXX * X X XXXXXX X X XX XXX X X XXX X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX XXX XXXXXX** X X X X X X=v====X XXXXXXXX X X XXXXXXXX X X XXX XXXXX X X XXXXXX XXXX X XXX X X XXXXXXX XXXXXX X X X X X XX X X X*X*X*X X XXXXXX*X*X*X X X=v===X*X=====vX X X X XXXX XXXX X XXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXX*X*X*X X XXXXXX X X XXXX XXXX X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Below the chutes is a trap, so push the egg left and dig it. The second chute is a trap , too, so just 2-1 dig right of it. Push the egg to 2U of the right enemy and dig the top right purple boulder. Dig right on it and push it into the enemy. Push the egg into the corner. Dig 1L and 1D of it. Dig the egg into the 2-pit above the cavern above the chute. Dig 2L 3U, 2L 2U, 3L 1U, and 3L of the chute. Then dig the egg through. Drop the egg off the right. Then push the purple rock at the top left, then dig 1R and 1R of it and drop the block on the enemy. Dig over the egg. Now dig 3R 2R 1R of the purple block. 2R 1D, then 4R 2D. You can push a block to the right now, then dig 1U1L and 1L of it. Push it 1R, then dig the floor to the left, then jump and dig 2L of the egg so you can push the block left run to the DR and dig, to make a cat follow you and die. Drop the egg on the block. Drop it right til you are on the wide platform, then dig right under it. Go 1L and dig right again, then dig right under the egg. You should be able to push it over the chute now. Leave it there and find a way down. 1*2 XX3*4 1, 2, push * left, 3, 4, push * left and dig. Then jump back up. You can dig left of the enemy's pit to jump over him more easily, then 2-1 dig the egg so it drops safely. Roll it to the bottom and dig. Level 20: X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X * X XXXXX *XXXXX XXXXXXX*X*X*X X XX XXX XXX X *XXXX X X X*X XX X X=v===X*X=====vX X X XXXXXX*X*X*X X X X* XXX X X XXX X X XXXXX X XXXXXX*X*X*X X XXXX XX XX XXXX X * X XX X X X X X====XXX XXXXXX X X XXX X X X XXXXXX X X XX*X XX X XX*X*X*X* XX*XX XX *XX X X XX X *X* X XX X XXXXXX XXX XXX XX X X X ==vX X X XXX X X XXXX XXXX X XX *X*X X X X XXXXX==v=X X XXX X X*X* XX XXXXXXX X XX X *==v===X X X X XXXXXX X XX X X*X*X XXXX X X X X=== X X X X X XXXXXXX X XXXXXXXX X XXX X XXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Dig the egg to the right, then dig left and dig 1R of the block you can push into the enemy. Dig 2U and 1U and 1U2L of the hole to drop a block in. Dig 1L, 2R, 1R of the block below, then dig below the egg on the edge. Push the block left and dig left of it and drop it. Bring the egg back left as far left as you can, dropping 2 rows. Dig 1U of the embedded block, kick it and dig the remaining square. Push the block into the enemy. Dig 1L of it and drop it right, then bring the egg back to the right. After the first drop, dig behind you so the boulder blocks the cat. Then push the boulder into the cat. Drop the egg on the right edge and back left 1. Now dig the square 1L3U of the cat and drop the top boulder down that chute. (dig behind it when it falls.) Crush the cat and dig above the hole below, so you can drop the block 5 squares above into it. Push the egg left then dig 1U1R and 1R of the block, then 1L of it to crush the cat below. Go to the DR to recycle and dig 1L of the egg to roll it down. Wait for the DL cat to fall off the edge first, and don't make the big drop--there's a block 2R2D of the egg. Loosen it and push it 1L. Then jump to push the egg right to the edge. Push the block L L R. The egg can follow L L R R. Dig 1R, 1R1D, 1L of the block and drop it right, then dig 1U1L of where it lands so you can push it right. Dig 2D, 2D1L, 2D2L of the chute. Drop the egg down the two chutes. Jump onto the lone floor piece in the air on the left. If you miss, just dig under it. Then jump left and hold left and you will go right. (you can also 2-1 dig.) Push the egg so it falls once, then dig 1L of it, drop and dig under it. It lands on the yellow bit. Jump over it and roll it all the way left and down. The game repeats after level 20.