Title : "Rockman 6 Wonder Law" [Contents] The concept of recreating the Wagan Land 1-3 stage in Mega Man 6. There are no special weapons. The performance of Megaman and his buster has been changed. -Jumping power is higher. -You can't shoot buster one after another.And it can't penetrate the terrain. -Medium charge shot gives enemies 2 damage. You can use the jet adapter only in the Tomahawkman stage. And then you can change adapter. -up + select + start: equip jet adapter -select + start: remove jet adapter [files in this folder] readme.txt -------------For Japanese. readme_english.txt -----You are reading now. rm6wl.ips -------------IPS [How to use IPS] Apply a patch for japanese megaman6's(called "rockman6") rom. Google it if you can't understand. [Author] Las(nullgamer B) Twitter @las_worthless I can't read and speak English. This readme was made by DeepL translation and Google translation. Website of publishing this http://2style.jp/lasetl/rm6/