I was very excited when Earthbound Zero was officially released under a new rebranding on the WiiU, but I couldn't help but be disappointed by the end result. They just took the original ROM and uploaded it, unedited. Compare that to Star Fox 2 which got a new title screen and rewritten text. I commented to someone, that the least Nintendo could have (and should have) done was: 1. Change the title screen to match the new title. 2. Change Giegue to Giygas to be consistent with the sequel. Nintendo did neither of those things, so I set out to do it myself. This hack gives you a very similar experience to playing the original ROM. There are no changes to difficulty or gameplay. Just a few necessary changes to make it a more consistent product. In Version 2.0, I set out to make further changes for the sake of consistency which are included as optional side patches. If you just want base v1.0 experience with only those two changes, use the "MinimalChanges" patch. Also included is two maximumChanges patches which includes every side patch. The difference is one of them aims to be consistent with Marcus Lindblom's localization Earthbound: Giygas Strikes Back, as it was originally released. The other patch aims for consistency with Clyde Mandelin's translations seen in Legends of Localization and in his translation of Mother 3. Full list of changes: Titlescreens Multiple title screen variations based on either the original title, or on the official logo from the store page/trailer. See here for pictures of what the titlescreens look like https://imgur.com/a/mdaeDn7 CD_2_ATM changes the CD (Cash Dispenser) graphic to ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) ATM_2_CD reverts to vanilla DefenseNameConsistent Peace Coin -> SlumberCoin ProtectCoin -> DefenseCoin Magic Coin -> TalismnCoin Brass Ring -> Pixie Ring Silver Ring -> Cherub Ring Gold Ring -> GoddessRing (For these three items I decided to keep them rings, but changed the adjectives to match with Giygas Strikes Back) H2O Pendant -> RainPendant DefenseNameVanilla reverts these changes to vanilla EnemyNamesConsistent Alligator -> Crocodile Crocodile -> Strong Croc BigWoodoh -> Elder Oak (it has the same JPN name as the Territorial Oak, but that doesn’t fit, so I named it after the Hostile Elder Oak/Gutsy Woodoh from Giygas Strikes Back) Woodoh -> Oak Jr. (I considered just calling this Oak, but I decided to fancy it up and give it a name that contrasts Elder Oak) EnergyRobot -> Atomic Robo SuperEnergy -> NuclearRobo Titanees -> Titany Mook -> Spook Oh-Mook -> Mook (These two were tricky and I’m open to suggestions. In JPN they are called Mooks and Domooks, but in the sequel, Domooks were translated to Mooks. There isn’t a single enemy in Giygas Strikes Back that shares their exact name with these two enemies from Beginnings. I decided to go with the closest thing we have to) Mr. Bat -> Mr. Batty Bionic Bat -> BionicBatty Watcher -> Swoosh Dadseyes -> Papa Swoosh Momseyes -> Mama Swoosh Foureyes -> SwishSwoosh EnemyNamesVanilla reverts these changes WeaponsNamesConsistent Plastic Bat -> Cracked Bat Wooden Bat -> TeeBall Bat AluminumBat -> SandLot Bat Hank’s Bat -> HOFBat NonStickPan -> Deluxe Pan WeaponsNamesVanilla reverts these changes ItemsNamesConsistent Super Spray -> Xterminator WordsO’Love -> LovingWords (changed to keep it consistent with Swear Words) ItemsNamesVanilla reverts these changes Giegue_2_Giygas replaces all instances of Giegue with Giygas Giygas_2_Giegue reverts all instances of Giygas back to Giegue TooLate replaces the line from Mt. Itoi when Lloyd shows up. @Oh shoot! I missed! -> @Oh shoot! I'm too late! I made this change because, as far as I'm aware, this is the only plot relevant mistranslation. IMissed reverts this change. PatheticallyWeak and WeaklingStinkling change the line Lloyd says in Twinkle Elementary PatheticallyWeak (included in Lindblom patch) @They call me pathetically weak, four eyes, worse... WeaklingStinkling (included in Manelin patch) @They call me a weakling stinkling, four eyes, worse... WeaklingVanilla @They call me names, weakling or four eyes, or worse... SufferedDamage changes the line Suffered damage of __ -> Suffered __ damage SufferedDamageVanilla reverts this change Tofu_2_Yogurt replaces every instance of Strawberry Tofu to Trout Yogurt. It is included in the Lindblom patch Yogurt_2_Tofu reverts this change. It is included in the Mandelin Patch. YouWon replaces the message at the end of battle to "You Won" YouWin reverts this message to "You Win" Changes that I considered making, but ended up not making Gabilan -> Booka (their JPN names are sorta similar, but I decided they were different enough to warrant different names. For context, Crested Bookas are called Tosakaran/Crestalans in Japan) Big Foot -> Cave Boy (they have the exact same JPN name, but Big Foot is more accurate so I kept it.) Groucho (I made several attempts to combine Groucho with Swoosh, but couldn’t find something that made sense and fit within the 11 character limit. I decided that the enemy is ‘bizarre’ enough to have a different name from his cousins.) Psycho Car -> Devil Car Psycho Truck -> Devil Truck (these enemies are given the Devil suffix in Super Smash Bros., but I decided to keep the name as something that you would expect from an early 90’s translation) Laser Beam -> Laser Gun Plasma Beam -> Death Ray (Laser Beam shares its JPN name with the Laser Gun, and Plasma Beam shares its JPN name with the Death Ray. I opted not to change the names to keep it clear that they’re A. separate from guns and B. are equivalent to PK Beam)