Plot: The game takes place in the near future, in which robots and aliens are already walking the streets of cities and living in collaboration with people. In one well-known world construction company called WreckTech (Wrecking Technologies), 2 brothers - Mario and Luigi got a job. Their Wrecking Crew has long overtaken the top Demolition Squad in terms of efficiency and speed. Spike, the Demolition Squad foreman, did not want to put up with this and decided to single-handedly set up, or even kill the brothers, since the brothers could work as four teams and they did it with great enthusiasm. That is why the management of the WreckTech company decided after a while to fire some of the brigades and raise the salaries of the brothers. Spike did not want to be fired, and in order to solve this problem, he hired robotic mercenaries and a gang of aliens, who immediately agreed to the job. In the future, Mario and Luigi must use their entire inventory to fend off hired robots, evil aliens and Spike himself, attempting to kill them. Authors: Scremer (levels 5-45 and 61-100), Larnny (levels 1-4 and graphics), Ablaikhan (levels 46-60), ViggRan (tester).