Pictionary - The Game of Video Quick Draw: Typo bugfix and RNG option 1. 'Safety Pin' bugfix: The word is misspelled in the ROM as SAFTEY PIN. Simply swap 0x0E and 0x1D @ 0xE2DB and the correct spelling works. 2. The RNG mechanism used by the game is subject to timing attack, leading to limited seeds if done properly. The seed combos (for difficulty averaging) are thus predictable afterwards (see https://www.speedrun.com/pictionary/thread/c8hmh). If you want a truly random experience, this patch utilizes the frame-dependent RNG bytes @ 0x52-55 for word selection: 0x8109 LDA $B5 STA $19 LDA $B4 ; seed counter @ B4-5; patch changes $B4 to $54 for true randomization ASL A ROL $19 CLC ADC #$72 STA $18 LDA $19 ADC #$F3 STA $19 LDY #$00 LDA ($18),Y ; load next word index CLC ADC $B3 STA $A4 INY LDA ($18),Y ADC #$00 AND #$01 STA $A5 LDA $B4 CLC ADC #$01 STA $B4 LDA $B5 ADC #$00 AND #$01 STA $B5 ; increment seed counter for next iteration RTS 'LTD' was changed to 'RNG' on the title screen to signify patched ROM. -Stag Shot (Stag_Shot on twitch)