Title: Battle DTE fixer upper Author: Lenophis Version: v1.0 Applies to: Final Fantasy, US version Tested on: Final Fantasy, US version Contents: DTE.ips Anti DTE.ips readme.txt DTE original.txt DTE new.txt ROM addresses: 0F/FAB1 - 0F/FAF0 Ok, maybe those aren't the true addresses, but this is for the hard-wired bank, which translates to the addresses above. File offsets are 0x3FAB1 through 0x3FAF0. Add the 0x10 byte iNES header for both afterwards. Urgency: Medium Depends on if you like DTE or not. If not, then get the hell out! =p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: Anybody that has ever hacked monster names will quickly realize that the DTE does not work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: Adds DTE ability for monster names in battle, as well as a minor optimization which frees 0x23 bytes in the process. This is something patch authors are sure to love. Note: The anti patch will remove the patch. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version history: v1.0 - October 04, 2009 Initial release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: bbitmaster & Parasyte - Creators of FCEUXD, which greatly aided in finding the mess that Nasir created here. Disch - Creator of FFHackster, who for some reason let the user use DTE for monster names. Additional mention for having a (mostly) commented diassembly which made some addresses easy to find.