Title: Battle DTE fixer upper, part deux Author: Lenophis Version: v1.0 Applies to: Final Fantasy 2 Demiforce translation, all versions Tested on: Final Fantasy 2 Demiforce translation, v1.03 Contents: DTE.ips Anti DTE.ips readme.txt DTE original.txt DTE new.txt ROM addresses: 0C/95E7 - 0C/964E File offsets are 0x315E7 through 0x3164E. Add the 0x10 byte iNES header for both afterwards. Urgency: Medium Depends on if you like DTE or not. If not, then get the hell out! =p -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: If anybody actually did hack this game, then those that hacked the monster names would quickly realize that the DTE does not work. This sounds familiar... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What this patch does: Adds DTE ability for monster names in battle, as well as a minor optimization which frees 0x36 bytes in the process. This is something patch authors (awj or Grond) are sure to love. :P Note: The anti patch will remove the patch. Unfortunately, even with DTE ability, you aren't going to get much. The tables themselves aren't really optimized, so you're left with few options. A possible suggestion is to move and expand the DTE table to give yourself more flexibility with the DTE. There's a wad of free space at 0F/F768 (0x3F768), common to all versions of the game, Prototype excluded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version history: v1.0 - December 15, 2009 Initial release -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: bbitmaster & Parasyte - Creators of FCEUXD. Neo Demiforce - For giving us a translation to a very underappreciated game.