-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=Final Fantasy: Extreme! =- -= Beta 0.9 Version =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Modified by me, Magus, because I personally think the orginal graphics for FF1 totally suck. Feel free to destribute this wherever you like, just make sure to include this documentation...and most importantly... Enjoy... (or die a gruesome and nastily mutilated death...or something similar ^^) Oh, and enjoy... >:D -=-=-=-=-=-=- -=Contents =- -=-=-=-=-=-=- 1.0........Packing List 1.1........Changes Made 1.2........Want Ads (If you know a decent about Emus and ROMs, please read!) 1.3........Things Not To Ask 1.4........(Disc)la(i)mer BS 1.5........Credits Later......The offsets of the palette, item, spell and character starting attributes. 1.0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What does this package include? Well, it should have: readme.txt (Hmm, probably what you're reading now...) ffxtreme.nes (the whole reason you probably downloaded this package to begin with...am I right?) 1.1 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- What's been changed: 1)Fighter => Rydia 2)Thief => Butz 3)B. Belt => Lenna as the "Monk" class 4)RedMage => Cecil, Paladin 5)W. Mage => Plain Lenna with a cape 6)B. Mage => Butz (I think) as the "Black Mage" class 7)The class-changed characters are purely my creations, so I can't say "this chump is from this game" and be very accureate. They may slightly resemble their former selves in most cases. 7.5) The palette for the 16x24 character sprites (you know, the ones you control in combat) has been changed to better colors. (The palette info for the character sprites that you move around the map seems to defy the standard palette format, maybe because color#3 for the top half can be something different than color#3 for the bottom half... ::shrug:: Any info is greatly appreciated. :) 8)Hammers have been replace by whips. Why? Because a hammer is a gay excuse for weapon...we're not pounding nails in planks, we're gutting dragons and imps. :P 9) [temporary] The starting values for chars have been grossly inflated to enable me to progress throught the game at a faster pace...these will still be different than in the original, but won't be so high in the final version. Enjoy the powers of God-hood while you can! 10)More changes will come as I progress: a) More and different items will have spell-like powers b) Some spells will be different c) All characters will be able to use magic d) Treasure boxes will also have different contents...for the most part. 1.2 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- WANTED! If you can tell me anything about these, you will have my undying gratitude (and your name will be smeared all over the credits part, of course :D) 1) How the item/spell information is stored in the ROM and/or the offset of the item/spell data. Also, where the treasure box contents data might begin would definitely be appreciated. 2) Some way to change the colors used for the characters in the overhead view. 3) Where the flags are that tell who can use what spell, and who gets additional spell levels on level-up. Any decent help you can give is greatly appreciated! :) 1.3 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- IMPORTANT! Please, do not mail me with stupid questions like: 1) How do I run this on my NES? A: You can't...you need one of the many NES *emulators* out there. Go to http://archaic-ruins.parodius.com for all the emulator-crap you may need. (I recommend NESTicle) And please, don't bother them with stupid questions, either! 2) Wow, cool! How did you change the graphics like that? A: Um...see "Tools Used" in the "Credits" section... 3) I got X-char. How do I use it? A: look in the author's readme file. It tells you everything you need to know. 1.4 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DISClaImer: This hack is not Endorsed by Nintendo or Square in any way. (In fact, they'd probably piss their pants if they saw it) I am not responsible for any damage, misuse, rabid maulings killing sprees, jail time, terrorist attacks, and such that may result from the ownership or use of this product by either the owner of the product or the product itself. Nintendo, Square, and Final Fantasy are Trademarks of their respective companies and all that rot. :P Also, any resemblance this hack may have to others is by no means intentional. This is purely my creation, and all modifications were made by only me. Do not continue my work...do your own, goddammit! Have you no creativity? 1.5 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Credits and similar crap: Inspiration: Magus (me) Images: FF4, FF5, and Magus (me) Changes: made by: Magus (me) Tools Used: The Whup-ass X-char program (site loaction coming soon) Hex Workshop (see the links section on my www page if you want a copy) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= http://www.chocobo.org/~Magus =- -= magus@artlover.com magus@humaniod.net =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=Q: What do Michael Jackson and toilet paper have in common? =- -=A: They both get little boys with their pants halfway down. Eew! =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-