Snake Rattle N Roll - Unlimited Continues -= Complete hack =- Apply 'Snake Rattle N Roll - Unlimited Continues.ips' directly to 'Snake Rattle N Roll (U) [!].nes- GoodNES 3.14' What this hack does: Ever wanted to relax and casually enjoy a game of Snake Rattle N Roll from the beginning to the end without having to give it your all just to play through the later stages of the game? Or did you ever wanted to play with a friend and actually be able to make it all the way to the end? If so, then this is just the hack for you! Snake Rattle N Roll - Unlimited Continues gives you ... unlimited continues! So now you can sit back, relax, and pick up that NES controller with a friend and play through a good game of Snake Rattle N Roll and finally take down that dirty Ice Foot together! List of features, additions and changes: 1) Unlimited continues! Tools and resources used: FCEUX, nestopia, everdrive, and Acknowledgements and Credits: RARE for yet another amazing game. Nintendo for licensing the game in the US. 2020.2.2 v1.0 by 8-bit fan / / butz