FF3 Fiesta Mod by Mo Modohhh@gmail.com Mo#1976 on Discord Modoh on Twitch Concept/Summary This patch is intended to allow you to naturally play through FF3 with any combination of jobs in the style of the FF5 Fiesta. This is mostly accomplished by giving access to equipment and spells to classes in the early and late game where needed. Game difficulty is generally unchanged, with no changes to monster scripting or stats. It's supposed to be vanilla FF3 but with more class freedom. It is not an attempt to rebalance classes. Some are still far stronger than others. Nothing in vanilla has been intentionally "nerfed". Most teams can progress through most of the game without grinding. However, many teams will likely need to grind a bit for the final boss gauntlet. This has been made much less painful via leveling curve changes. IPS patch info: This is intended to be patched on the FF3 AWJ/NCorlett/SoM2Freak translated rom (CRC32: FA04837F). FF3_Fiesta is intended to be played with 4 random jobs picked at the start of the game, and contains the full mod. FF3_NoFiesta is intended for playing through a normal FF3 game but being less railroaded into certain jobs at certain points. It contains all of the class equipment and item changes, but doesn't mess with job availability or the exp curve. Individual component patches and asm source code are also available under the components folder. General Changes: All jobs are unlocked at the first crystal, and have no cp or level requirements (optional). Mallets are available in early game shops, so you don't need to class change to Mini when required by the plot (if you remember to buy some before going up the mountain). Maiden's Kisses can turn your party into frogs and back, so you don't need to class change to Frog when required by the plot. The bread shop in Tozas is willing to part with some bomb shards from their oven to help with your Giant Rat problems. Some diamond accessories are available in the Dragoon tower to help with Garuda. You can save inside dungons (optional). However, you'll be placed outside when you load the save. Don't save in the intro or in Bahamut's nest or you'll get stuck! Leveling curve has been flattened post-40 (optional). No major differences pre-40, and differences are minor pre-50. Grinding so your healer-less team can beat the dark world is now fairly painless. Phoenix Downs are now purchasable at the bottom of Eureka. Some of the Phoenix Down treasure boxes were repurposed for other things, and non-healing teams use a lot more of them over the course of the game. Equipment Changes: Rod elemental boosts now function. They now add +33% "hits" to qualifying spells. All Knives are in one Knife category (instead of some being Thief exclusive) All Rods are in one Rod category All Staves are in one Staff category More bows are accessible to users of basic bows Elemental arrows limited to Hunters but iron arrows are improved and purchasable Certain extremely similar weapons were consolidated to make room for new ones. You won't miss them. Other various armor equipability changes (Gaia Vest, etc) Fighter: Can equip most Knight equipment Monk: Gained access to Claws Tonfa available earlier Fist damage formula improved to help late game (2xLV instead of 1.5xLV) White/Black Mage Unchanged aside from weapon category changes Red Mage Gained access to L5/6 White/Black magic Gained access to Ancient Sword (which is also improved) and has a new endgame weapon Category changes give access to later rods/staves/bows/knives/armor Hunter Added a new endgame bow Gained armor options, including Crystal Gear They had literally no armor upgrades past the Flame Mail you can buy when you get them Even Red Mages could use Crystal Armor in vanilla FF3 Knight Unchanged Thief: Gained access to Full Moon and a new non-elemental dagger Inspired by FF5 where Full Moon is a thief/ninja weapon Access to Headband/Gi armor for early game Access to Tier1 bows/arrows for early game options Access to Crystal shield, since they have light shield access. Carrying an Ice shield in the end game was odd. Steal rate has been improved. Chance is now (15+LV+Skill)/200. Scholar: Tier2 books consolidated, new endgame book added Gained Bows, rods and staves, mostly for early game Gained Black and White robes for something to wear late game Geomancer: Gained access to knives, rods and bows for early/late game options Bells Improved Gained access to Black and White robes for late game Dragoon: Gained knives and T1/2 Swords For pre-spear weapons and some non-elemental options Inspired by FF4 Kain weapon access Holy Lance improved Viking: Formerly dummied Hammer item available for early game Other Axes/Hammers rearranged a bit to make more of them useful and give options where needed Gained access to Ragnarok and Tyrfing Both named from Norse myth, so they make some sense despite not being Axes/Hammers Needed a late game weapon, and Ragnarok was an Axe in FF14 as well Black Belt / Karateka Gained access to Nunchucks Fist damage formula improved to help late game (2xLV instead of 1.5xLV) M.Knight: Gained Knives for early game Gained Tyrfing for early game Also made it dark element, it's supposed to be cursed, after all They already had Ragnarok so why not the other Norse sword Gained Tier1 Shields Gained Leather/Mythril/Carapace/Fire/Ice Armors Gained Rings for early game Still no protect ring access for vanilla flavor (since they were the only ones that couldn't use them in vanilla FF3) Conjurer: Gained bows and knives Gives an offensive option pre-summons and matches other offensive casters Gained Staves and low level White/Black magic Kid Rydia had them in FF4, why not? Low level summons purchasable in early game shops Bard: Gained Bows and Knives, mostly for early game Their "Sing" command was changed to "Attack" for this to work, but they were already identical other than requiring a harp Improved harps, added dummied Dream Harp, shifted Loki Harp to end game Scare reduces enemy level by 14 instead of 3, which makes it occasionally useful. Still only works on runnable fights. Warlock/Devout Unchanged Summoner: Gained bows and knives Gives an offensive option pre-summons and matches other offensive casters Gained low level Black magic Added low level summons to early game shops Sage/Ninja Unchanged Other notes: Ugly spreadsheet of item stats and such here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10WVUMvbF2XVRt8ChQB5MBTC3y2D7nbakVGbRomoo97k/edit?usp=sharing Fun fact: this hack was mostly developed in that very spreadsheet. Make a copy and unhide columns/sheets to see the madness within. Patches and other source files are available in the archive. Cobble together whatever pieces you might want. Intended for use with the AWJ/NC/SOM2 translation patch. I intended to support the Chaos Rush translation as well, but their script editing utility would never finish compiling the script when I tried. It's techincally possible to put together a version using the provided files that runs on Chaos Rush, Japanese, or other translations, but some item names will be incorrect or missing. Version History 1.01: Fixed the bow chest in Sasune Castle containing a much better bow that it should. Apparently there's multiple copies of this map in the rom, and the one used isn't the one with the rest of the early game maps. Thanks/Utilities Used: FF3 Disassembly / Rom Map Biggest thanks goes to everything8215 for their excellent FF3 disassembly and rom map. https://github.com/everything8215/ff3/ Their web-based FF editor was also useful, though it doesn't have many features implemented yet for FF3: https://everything8215.github.io/ff6tools/ff6tools.html Romhacking.net Data Crystal This was used when importing some raw data into my sheet. Some of it has errors, though, and I wasn't able to get access to fix them. https://datacrystal.romhacking.net/wiki/Final_Fantasy_III:ROM_map Atlas Useful to reinsert my item name changes (for new items), since it can auto-generate the pointer table entries. https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/224/ Thingy This ancient utility was useful when figuring out issues with my item name insertion. Still not aware of any more modern utilities like it. https://www.romhacking.net/utilities/217/ FCEUX NES emulator with a very useful debugger https://fceux.com/web/home.html Binarynova Job System Improvement Used components of this to remove Capacity requirements for switching jobs https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/4120/ Final Fantasy III Maeson I used their 1 byte patch to enable saving anywhere. Playing this hack also indrectly inspired the creation of mine, if only because it wasn't what I wanted since it wasn't suitable to unbalanced fiesta parties https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2399/ Google Sheets Believe it or not, this hack was mostly created in Google Sheets for various reasons. Insanity might be one of them. Make a copy of this sheet and unhide cells/sheets to see behind the scenes, or to try to use it for your own mod. Unfortunately I don't have a "clean" pre-modded version with the full set of features, but it's not too hard to figure out how to revert fields to their rom values. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10WVUMvbF2XVRt8ChQB5MBTC3y2D7nbakVGbRomoo97k/edit?usp=sharing HXD Hex Editor https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/ IPS Peek https://github.com/vector-man/IPS-Peek