Welcome to AV -A Mega Man V Hack- Version 1.1 Created by CousinCatnip Additional Modding and Owl sprite by Menblock How to Patch AV: You must use a USA version of "MEGA MAN V" for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It will NOT work properly with the Famicom Japanese version "Rockman 5". The patches included are different difficulty levels of the game. Database match: Mega Man 5 (USA) Database: No-Intro: Nintendo Entertainment System (v. 20210216-231042) File SHA-1: 1748E9B6ECFF0C01DD14ECC7A48575E74F88B778 File CRC32: 5E023291 ROM SHA-1: 36842491BB513C80BEB9F2FB2AA30EDAA1121CA4 ROM CRC32: 3EDCF7E8 It includes the following patches: "Rockman 5 - Keep Mega Buster Charge when Megaman is Hurt" by StalkerMaestro "Rockman 5 - Dash Sprite" by StalkerMaestro "Rockman 5: Switch Weapons" by StalkerMaestro "MM5 - Charge Shot Sound Fade Out" by Methy "Rockman 5: Patch for Air Sliding" by StalkerMaestro "Rockman 5 - Speed Patch" by Anandastoon (in 300 and Rob versions) "Rush Coil Bugfix" by Puresabe Graphics that are used from other projects: "Wily 1 Boss" from Luckyman 1 by CHIKO "Big Chungus" sprite by Hortinus Changelog: 1.1 -Air Dash has been added to the Normal version of AV (it was already in 300/ROB) -Added LITE mode which is an Easy mode for players who want an easier experience (Removed most spike floors + added Mega Buster + Lower damage to Mega Man) -Added Rush Coil patch by Puresabe -Fixed the ... Man softlock in 300 mode -Fixed the backtracking softlock in Protoman 3 -Some enemy variations to fix some cheap placements (mostly in Protoman and Wily stages) -Added some Life and Weapon energy to some levels to reduce grinding -Fixed tile clashing (... Man) -Added an additional attack to Excuse Man to not make him so EZ -ROB logos replaces all Dr. Wily logos for continuity -Big Chungus weapon sprite is now a Robo Chungus -Chungus sprite added to Wily 1 boss from CHIKO's Luckyman 1 (thanks FakeMegaRobDad for the idea) -Tried Fixing ---- Man sometimes freezing when you start a new game (still incosistent) -Changed the title screen scarf to a Big Chungus -ROB, 300, 1.1 and LITE titles added to Title Screen (with proper text) -Fancier refights in Wily 3 (Gyro, Stone, and Charge) -Redesigned Wily 1 Stage to not be so cheap -Updated Credits to reflect new additions This Hack includes: -New Level Design (All 16 Levels have been changed!) -New Boss AI/Attacks -New Enemies (and some old) -New Music Remixes -New Palletes (and some old) -New Story -New Weapons (and some old) -NO Autoscrollers -New Weaknesses -MEGAMANV Letters unlock a NEW upgrade -Different Difficulty Settings depending on your skill level: LITE - Has less spikes, MEGA BUSTER instead of the G. BUSTER, Lower damage to Mega Man from enemies/bosses (Good for those who don't wan't a hard challenge) AV NORMAL - The intended game design with no difficulty tweaks including the G. BUSTER LITE OG - The intended game design with MEGA BUSTER instead of the G. BUSTER 300 - AV NORMAL WITH THE SPEED PATCH (think Burst Chaser, good for replays) LITE 300 - AV NORMAL WITH THE SPEED PATCH AND MEGA BUSTER ROB - AV NORMAL WITH THE SPEED PATCH AND 1-HIT KO MODE (the HARDEST mode) Tips: -You can press SELECT (or Select+Down) to SWITCH WEAPONS at ANY POINT. You can also quickly go to the BUSTER by pressing Select+Start. -Your G BUSTER is more versitle then you think and can bounce off walls. If you shoot it into a wall, it can make GHOSTS. -The first 8 ROBOT MASTER LEVELS can be beat with just the default BUSTER and RUSH but some levels will be harder then others * * *SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT************* * * -STORY- IN THE YEAR 202X AN ARMY OF ROMHACKERS HAVE RELEASED ROMHACKS TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! BUT BEHIND THIS IS... CHIKO?! Armed with the G. BUSTER, help MEGA MAN take down the 8 MEME ROBOT MASTERS and CONQUER THE ROMHACKERS! -WEAPONS- You can press SELECT (or Select+Down) to SWITCH WEAPONS at ANY POINT. You can also quickly go to the BUSTER by pressing Select+Start. G. BUSTER A bouncy buster that cannot go through walls (but it can richochet!). Some say if you shoot into the walls you can create ghostly followers who can help... But I also heard if you wiggle fast enough you can do it too... Hmm... The shot also seems to go further depending on how long you hold the button but if you try to spam shoot it may not go far. BIG CHUNGUS BIG-BIG-CHUNGUS. It's all about timing for this attack as it takes a second for CHUNGUS to appear but he will keep stomping even if you think he's gone. Even though it can "hurt" you it will do no damage, CHUNGUS is just like that. EZ KICK So EZ you should remember how to do it from MMV already! You can also use it in the Air! HIGH ASH A good horizontal weapon that gets stuck to things... It has it's uses. EXCUSES BRO Stop it! Just figure it out! But if you want to know, pressing UP will CANCEL your shot and DOWN will LEVITATE (albeit slowly). ELIPSES EYE ...There is no stopping it once it goes and as long as there is walls... It will keep going... It can even reach high places they say... THICC STONE A little unweidly but the D-Pad can guide the way to victory. You can always switch weapons to try again if it gets stuck (by using SELECT or START). QUAKER HOLD Don't get stuck in this oatmeal. Not all enemies can be stuck but there are more then you think! ---- SLING It can only go upwards but that also means it can go upwards! MEGAMANV LETTERS REWARD: BEAT SHIELD The best weapon you can find in a MM game, now an unlockable! It has been nerfed a bit but there are a few tricks up its sleeve still ;)