This hack applies to Adventure Island 3 (headered rom) but also you can try applying to Takahashi Meijin no Bouken Jima 3 if you don't mind the Title Screen being somewhat garbled. Use your favorite IPS program to patch the rom. All levels are modified with level screen sequence and enemy data. Level names are changed too Please send any feedback to @robothell on twitter or send an e-mail to sigmavirus[at] or so I can fix possible bugs or cheap deaths. Thanks for your support! master higgins on A.K.A @robothell on twitter A.K.A megaman_exe on other sites Release Notes: ============= 1.0: First Release 1.1: Level redesign, which includes: - Fixing misleading info like bottomless pit and then going into a underground water level or otherwise (shaft of darkness and then going to a lava cave) - Wipe out many of the cloud platforms, only use when needed (like pits or to reach some items) - Rearranged some palettes and music so both of them fit the theme (like a dark beach with a lava gorge/dark woods music) - Fixed firey lava rocks to ONLY be spit out by volcanos (they were spit on lava pools previously) - Also rearranged some enemies which shouldn't be on a level using some common sense (I read complaints that kangaroos and ostriches shouldn't be on forest levels, but now they're gone) - Felt like giving lots of pet items and lots of rocks with 1-ups because the difficulty curve is high, but manageable. - I couldn't fix some of the 1-up giving rocks to show correct gfx but I consider they just accomplish what they do, give a precious 1-up in a harder hack of this game.