This Ms. Pac-Man mod pack includes 3 hacks. They can be used seperately or together (you can patch them in any order). They can potentially be used with many other hacks as well. Ms. Pac-Man - Original Title Screen This hack replaces the horrid NES title graphics with the original 1981 marquee graphics. Ms. Pac-Man - Turbo By popular demand, this hack changes regular NES Ms. Pac-Man speed to turbo. Ms. Pac-Man - Cleaner Map Graphics When Namco ported Ms. Pac-Man from Arcade to NES the map graphics were condensed to fit on one non-scrolling NES resolution screen. In other words, it does not look exactly like the arcade and is possibly even kind of ugly. This hack goes for a completely different and much cleaner look instead of the faithful look that Namco attempted.