Metal Force Mapper Hack (FME-7) & (MMC-3) By: MottZilla 02-16-2022 These patches allow Metal Force to run with either a FME-7 or MMC-3 compatible mapper. Useful maybe for emulators or cartridges that don't support the original. These hacks were created many years ago and are being released publicly now as-is. Important Note: MMC-3 requires you modify the cartridge to run with Single Screen Mirroring. You can do this with the CIRAM A10 signal. For an emulator like FCEUX you can manually set the mirroring to single screen. If you do not do this the MMC-3 version will have garbage backgrounds. The FME-7 version may be more suitable for emulators and flash carts. The MMC-3 version might be better for custom cartridges.