[Name] "Ninja Gaiden - Death Counter.ips" v1.0 [Author] Binarynova [Date] March 18, 2022 [Description] This hack repurposes the life counter in Ninja Gaiden into a death counter. You begin the game with zero deaths, and each time you die the counter increases by 1 (up to 99). This effectively gives you infinite lives but more than just a simple cheat code, it also modifies the in-game UI to help players keep track of deaths and encourage trying to have as few deaths as possible. It also makes a few necessary design changes to make the game a bit more palatable. [Installation] Use your favorite IPS patcher to apply this patch to the US version of the game. [Main Changes] - Repurposes the lives counter as a death counter. - Death counter starts at 0. - Dying increases the counter. - Added a little skull icon to the UI to indicate deaths instead of lives. - At 100 deaths the counter loops back to 99 to prevent a Game Over caused by an overflow. [Additional Changes] - Dying during the final boss rush sends Ryu back to 6-3 instead of 6-1. - Birds do minimum damage to Ryu (1) instead of "final boss" damage (3).