Super Pitfall Conversion From UNROM to MMC5 (from UNROM to Mapper 5) by Dracula X RELEASE DATE: 5-3-2022 MMC5 Setup is located at $3FE10 You can also use Nflate from Utilities to expand the ROM up to 512kb. You can now use free RAM space at $5c00 to $5fff and $6000 to $7fff for cool or new stuff. Bankswitching: to bankswitch from $8000 - $Bfff and from $C000 - $ffff, here's how to do it: Do this in a fixed bank: LDA bank_number JSR $C000 JMP New Location or LDA bank_number #$80 PHA LDA bank_number #$00 PHA LDA bank_number #$08 JSR $C000 RTS Compact Mapper makes it easier to switch banks and it is located at $C030 JSR Bank_08 - $C046 JMP New Location JSR Bank_09 - $C04A JMP New Location goes up to bank $8D Do this in $8000-$BFFF for Compact Mapper Example: ; somewhere in 8000-BFFF, bank 6 JSR to a bankswitching routine in a fixed bank ; somewhere in 8000-BFFF, bank A RTS ; somewhere in C000-FFFF, fixed bank ; saving & restoring AXY regs may be needed JSR switch to bank 8 JSR to RTS in bank 8 or anywhere in $8000-$BFFF JSR switch to bank 6 + original code from bank 6 that was replaced with your JSR RTS New location would be $8000 or $A000 etc... Bank 08 would be at $20010. CHR bank 1 (Right side of PPU) is at $C00D To switch background pages, use like so: LDA page_number JSR $C00D Nametable Mapping Routine (one of its uses is mirroring) is at $C009 To change mirroring for instance, use like so: LDA mirroring_number (#$50 for Horizontal, #$44 for Vertical) JSR $FF50 The setings that was at $C020 is now at Bank 08 at $8000 A little Free Space Hacks supported: All! Hacks not Supported: MMC1 or MMC3 Hacks! Use Delta Patcher to patch the xdelta file to the ROM. Ignore the checksum and then patch the file. Let me know if the game is not acting normal and I'll fix it. Thanks! Credits: Rockman: for info on how to convert the mapper! Disch: for his mapper docs! Shredder: for letting me use his Compact Mapper! Cyneprepou4uk Compact Mapper manual is an example on how it works from another game. Have fun! Non Supported Emulators: RockNES VirtuaNES