The Thief and the Cobbler SMB2 (Super Mario Bros 2 USA) _________________________________________________________ Graphics and ROMhacking by Garrett Gilchrist (tygerbug/ocpmovie) _________________________________________________________ This is a game ROMhack for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES/Famicom) of Super Mario Bros 2 USA. This hack is based on the unfinished cult animated film The Thief and the Cobbler, as written and directed by three-time Academy Award winning animator Richard Williams (animation director of Who Framed Roger Rabbit, author of The Animator's Survival Kit). Select one of four characters - the nameless Thief, Tack the Cobbler, Chief Roofless of the forty Brigands, and Princess Yum Yum - for a side-scrolling fantasy adventure across seven worlds and twenty stages. Pick up and throw items, enemies and bombs in a world where anything can become your weapon. Face off against the evil Grand Vizier, Zig Zag, and his henchmen Goblet, Gopher, Tickle and Slap. Meet the mad and holy old Witch of the desert mountain, who will both help and harm you. Watch out for dangerous creatures, including the vulture Phido and the deadly doggie Kuriboss. Retrieve the legendary golden balls, defeat the evil warlord One Eye, and save the Golden City! This is a complete graphics hack. Most background graphics are tweaked, and almost all enemy and character graphics have been redrawn. More elements of the world are animated than in the original game. Characters from the film "The Thief and the Cobbler" appear, of course. Most minor enemies are now based on real-world animals. The title screen is redone. Cards announcing which World you're on now feature King Nod or Zigzag (for World 7). The ending features artwork adapted from the movie's actual storyboards. Some changes have also been made to the levels. These changes are not huge, since I was taking care not to make the game worse or unplayable. It is mostly the same game, but there are enough changes throughout to keep you on your toes, and be a somewhat different experience. This is also optional - an alternate patch without these changes is included. This is the first release of this hack, and if you find any problems or issues, please contact me directly rather than writing a review about it. I may make further tweaks. (The World 2 title card is slightly glitched, for a start.) _________________________________________________________ It is written among the limitless constellations of the celestial heavens, and in the depths of the emerald seas, and upon every grain of sand in the vast deserts, that the world which we see is an outward and visible dream, of an inward and invisible reality ... Once upon a time there was a golden city. In the centre of the golden city, atop the tallest minaret, were three golden balls. The ancients had prophesied that if the three golden balls were ever taken away, harmony would yield to discord, and the city would fall to destruction and death. But... the mystics had also foretold that the city might be saved by the simplest soul with the smallest and simplest of things. In the city there dwelt a lowly shoemaker, who was known as Tack the Cobbler. Also in the city ... existed a Thief, who shall be ... nameless. _________________________________________________________ The Thief and the Cobbler (also known in butchered form as The Princess and the Cobbler and Arabian Knight) was in early production from 1963 to 1988, when Warner Bros funded full production based on the success of Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The film went over budget, and Warner Bros cancelled the production in 1992. Richard Williams was removed from what he intended as his masterpiece. The film was hastily and poorly finished by Fred Calvert. Disney produced the film Aladdin, which is suspiciously similar. Some of Aladdin's lead animators had been trained by Williams. Williams' original workprint circulated as a bootleg. In 2006 and 2013, Garrett Gilchrist released The Thief and the Cobbler: Recobbled Cut, a restoration of Williams' original intent. _________________________________________________________ SPECIAL THANKS: Shauing did additional Romhacking fixes on the ending. Bavi_H contributed hacking advice. Some revised background tiles and animations are borrowed from Alex No's "SMB2 Master Quest." This hack owes a lot to the disassembly "SMB2 Discombobulated", with thanks to Keith McKnight and Xkeeper. The Thief and the Cobbler storyboards and film artwork by Richard Williams. Sprites from "Curses n Chaos" inspired the Crobot and Brisket enemies. Fyguard sprite is from a Dig Dug custom design by DragonDePlatino. Buckshot design is inspired by a Skipsqueak design by RaKoon. Kuriboss design is loosely inspired by the Bulldog design from Adventures In Pepperland. Catast, Muffet, beetle and manta designs are loosely inspired by Hudson's Mickey Mousecapade. Imajin, Rusa and other designs from Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic. _________________________________________________________ The Thief: Good all-round character. Average jumping power, which decreases a little when he is carrying an item. Tack the Cobbler: He can jump the highest and can go much farther, but he jumps slowly. When he has an item, his power decreases more than Mario. Chief Roofless: He has the least jumping power. But as the strongest character, he has the fastest lifting power, and the height he can jump and the speed he can run does not change when carrying an item. Princess Yum Yum: She is number three in jumping power. However, when jumping she can float in the air for about 1.5 seconds. Her jumping power decreases noticeably when carrying an item. Some characters are stronger than others. Their running speed when carrying an item, from slowest to quickest: Princess Yum Yum, Tack the Cobbler, The Thief, Chief Roofless. This is also the speed at which they can pick up items, or dig. Your game starts with three lives. You become smaller when the life meter is down to 1. You lose a life when your life meter becomes 0. Your life meter can increase to a maximum of four. You lose a life if you fall into a hole or waterfall, or fall when high up in the sky. The Retry/Continue screen will appear when your game is over. To begin another game from the same world, press continue. You have two continues. _________________________________________________________ UP - Climb up vines and ladders. Enter unlocked doors, or enter locked doors when holding a key. LEFT/RIGHT - Move left/right. DOWN - Duck or climb down vines and ladders. Hold down to charge power jump. START - Pause or start game. A - Jump. B - Hold down to run faster. Pick up items or lift enemies. Throw items or enemies. _________________________________________________________ The player will flash when you hold down for a couple of seconds. Your next jump will be 1.5 times as high as your regular jump. Try pulling up the grass. When you press the B button when standing on the grass you'll find growing here and there, you will pull it out and lift it up. On the surface of the desert, you can also dig in the soft sand. Grass may contain vegetables that you can throw at enemies. It may also contain magic lamps for travel to the Sub-space world, bombs, bomb enemies, spike shells, and coins. When you stand on a portable block and press the B button, you can lift it up just like a vegetable. Attack enemies with enemies. If you stand on an enemy and press the B button, you will be able to lift up the enemy and can throw him at other enemies. Throw potions to destroy all enemies onscreen. Go to Sub-space with magic. If you find a magic lamp, try throwing it. A door will appear. You'll enter the Sub-space if you press up and enter the door. The grass in Sub-space will turn into coins until you use a lamp twice in that area. These coins will help you win extra lives in the bonus game between levels. Sometimes Sub-space will reveal magic hearts which will increase your life meter, or reveal 1-ups for an extra life. You'll become invincible by collecting cherries. A magic mask will appear when you collect enough cherries. When you pick this up, you will become invincible for a limited time. Time Stop. If you have already taken four vegetables and you take a fifth one, a stopwatch will appeear. The enemy's movements will stop for a limited time. At the end of each area, there is a Bird Face which becomes a gate to the next area. In order to open the gate, you must get a hold of the golden ball. Zigzag usually has the golden ball, so get it back by defeating him, with his own playing cards or with portable blocks. A Bonus Chance at the end of each area. You can win extra lives by playing the Bonus Chance game between levels. You get 1 play for each coin you have collected from the last stage. These coins appear in Sub-space by using the magic lamp. _________________________________________________________ Super Mario Bros. 2 (USA) is a platform video game developed and published by Nintendo for the Nintendo Entertainment System, first released in North America in October 1988. A different "Super Mario Bros 2" had already been released in Japan. The American game is adapted from Yume Kōjō: Doki Doki Panic (1987), originally released as an advergame for Fuji Television's Yume Kōjō '87 media technology expo. Super Mario Bros. 2 was the fifth-best-selling game on the NES. It was released in Japan as Super Mario USA (1992), and was remade in Super Mario All-Stars (1993) for the Super NES, and as Super Mario Advance (2001) for the Game Boy Advance. Super Mario Bros. 2 is a 2D side-scrolling platform game. The objective is to navigate the player's character through seven stages of a dream world and defeat the final villain. Before each stage, the player chooses one of four protagonists. All four characters can run, jump, and climb ladders or vines, but each character possesses a unique strength that causes them to be controlled differently. For example, Luigi can jump the highest; Princess Toadstool can float; Toad's strength allows him to pick up items quickly; and Mario represents the best balance between jumping and strength. This is a single player game with no time limit. It scrolls vertically in some areas. Unlike other Mario games, the characters cannot defeat enemies by jumping on them; but they can stand on the enemies. Instead, the character lifts and throws objects at enemies or throws enemies to defeat them. These objects include enemies, blocks, or vegetables pulled from the ground. The game consists of 20 different levels across the seven worlds comprising Subcon. Each world has three levels, except World 7, which has two. Each world has a particular theme that dictates the obstacles and enemies encountered in its levels, such as desert areas with dangerous quicksand and snowy areas with slippery surfaces. Levels contain multiple sections or rooms that are connected via doors or ladders. Some rooms are accessible by entering certain jars. Magic potions found in each level are used to temporarily access "Sub-space", an inverted area where the player can collect coins and Mushrooms that increase the character's maximum health. In addition, certain jars, when entered in Sub-space, will warp the player to the later worlds, skipping levels altogether. Other items available include cherries, which are collected in order to acquire a Star; and the POW Block, which can be used to quickly destroy all the enemies visible on the screen. The player must defeat a boss enemy at the end of each of the first six worlds, then defeat the final enemy at the end of World 7 to complete the game. The player starts with three lives, which are lost each time the player's character loses all health from enemy or hazard damage or when the character falls off the screen. The player can replenish health by collecting floating hearts that appear upon defeating a certain number of enemies. The player will receive a Game Over upon losing the last life, though the player may continue up to twice in one game. Additional extra lives may be obtained by collecting 1-Up Mushrooms hidden in Sub-space, or by using the coins collected from Sub-space to win the Bonus Chance minigame played between the levels. _____________________________________________________________ FIXED ISSUES: The "World" title cards for World 2 and 6 were loading the layout wrong for the King Nod artwork, resulting in two repeated rows, and therefore a "glitched" left hand. The cards (in regular Super Mario Bros 2) do have a slightly different appearance, created with a branching change that repeats the last two rows in place of the two rows preceding. The result is that the world displayed has no grass lip and is simply desert sand. Bavi_H changed the last two CMP instructions to LDA instructions so the zero (equal) flag remains clear and those branches don't get taken: 14377: C9 → A9 1437B: C9 → A9 _____________________________________________________________ KNOWN ISSUES (possibly to be fixed in future versions): Two versions of this hack are included- one with slightly changed levels, one without. It is possible that the version with changed levels has not been playtested enough and may feature segments which are poorly designed. I'd appreciate if you'd contact me directly about any issues rather than posting a review. I would like to edit Ostro (Ostrich) to always use palette 2 or 3. That doesn't seem to be an option. I would also like FryGuy (and his flames) and Clawgrip (and his rocks) to always use palette 2 or 3 instead of palette 1. _____________________________________________________________ CAST LIST: THIEF TACK YUM YUM ROOFLESS RUSA BUCKSHOT ROOSTO OTHELLO SANDIVIL CATAST BRISKET MUFFET TROUTER IMAJIN FYGUARD GOATED PHIDO PHANTO SPARK CROBOT NURSES TICKLE ZIGZAG KING NOD GOPHER GOBLET WITCH SLAP KURIBOSS ONEEYE ____________________________________________________________ CHEATS: UVNOITKG POW Boxes Keep 'POW'ing ZPZOTN More Sub-Space Time YPZOTN Stay In Sub-Space Longer Than 1 Minute EPZOTS Sometimes You Come Out Of A Door Holding An Enemy LEGPIO Pick Up Most Scenery STAPPY Pow Blocks Don't Go Away NSPPLE Keep Picking Up The Grass (Works In Sub-Space With Coins Too) ANNEEGEY All Characters Can Float Jump AAEEZGPA Easier Time In Wart's Palace And Mega Moon Jumps For Luigi (Super Jump To Get Up On Top Of Walls) GUSEZLAE Mario Has "Moon-Float" Jump NNSEZLAE Mario Has Mega "Moon-Float" Jump PESELLYA Mario Has "Moon Gravity" Jumps GLEEAGAE Luigi Has "Moon-Float" Jump NYEEAGAE Luigi Has Mega "Moon-Float" Jump GUNAPLAE Toad Has "Moon-Float" Jump NNNAPLAE Toad Has Mega "Moon-Float" Jump KAXAOIAA Princess Has Suspended Flight Jump KAXAOIAA Princess Has A Longer Flight Jump SLNZZLVI Flying Carpets Last Forever ZESOTAIA Every 2nd Large Vegetable That You Pull Up Will Be A Stop Watch (Instead of Every 5th) ZLVOLAZU Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A POW Block TGVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Stop Watch AAVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Heart TLVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Coin YLVOLAZU Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Mushroom AGVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A 1-Up Mushroom ILVOLAZU Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Key GLVOLAZU Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Sub-Space Door YLVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Bomb IGVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Star ILVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Turtle Shell LLVOLAZU Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Red Log ALVOLAZL Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Spark PLVOLAZU Pulling Up Small Vegetables Gives You A Mushroom Block ZLVOZALU Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A POW Block AAVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Heart TLVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Coin YLVOZALU Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Mushroom AGVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A 1-Up Mushroom GLVOZALU Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Sub-Space Door YLVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Bomb IGVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Star ILVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Turtle Shell LLVOZALU Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Red Log ALVOZALL Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Spark PLVOZALU Pulling Up Large Vegetables Gives You A Mushroom Block ZUVPZATK Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a POW Block AEVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Heart TUVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Coin YUVPZATK Stop Watch from 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Mushroom AKVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a 1-up Mushroom IUVPZATK Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Key GUVPZATK Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Sub-Space Door YUVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Bomb IKVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Star IUVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Turtle Shell LUVPZATK Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes A Red Log AUVPZATG Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Spark PUVPZATK Stop Watch From 5th Large Vegetable Becomes a Mushroom Block KAXAPGGA Pogo Stick For Princess XAXAPGGA Super Pogo For Princess TEYOTA Veggies Bombs 1-Ups Stick To Your Feet (You Can Throw Stopwatches & 1-Ups Across The Ground) KIGESO Nice Colors OPAOPE Drill Mario (Sometimes You Go Thru The Floor) EPGEPK Enemies Glow AAIAAS Altered Music KGSTVKUU Become Golden With Anybody And You Can Float 4C3 b 0 Max Hearts [4] 4AD b 9 Receive Small Heart For Every Enemy Defeated 4B7 b FA Infinite Time In Sub-Space 4CA b 3C Always Charged For Super Jump SZNESXVK Infinite lives GZELVXSE Infinite life meter (except if you hit a spike) SXUASXOU Quick pick up AEUEKKGL Special "squat" high jumps PPXAOIAA Princess has mega-float PAXAOIAA Princess has mega-float and lunar descent PESEGLGA Super moonjumps for Mario PENALLGA Super moonjumps for Toad PAXAPGGA Super moonjumps for Princess AEXALGZA Speed up enemies YAXXIYZE Strong Tryclyde YAVXVGGE Strong Fryguy YAEXTPGE Strong Clawgrip YESUAPTE Strong Wart IAVENYZE Strong Birdetta YEVXVYLE Strong Hawkmouth AAVENYZA Weak Birdetta TPEPLAAX Birdetta spits eggs instead of fireballs (appears in late levels of the game) YESLPPTE Strong Wart IAVEUYZE Strong Birdetta YEVZNYLE Strong Hawkmouth AAVEUYZA Weak Birdetta TONENYAX Birdetta spits eggs instead of fireballs (appears in late levels of the game) PEEPUZAG Start on World 2 IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ ZEEPUZAG Start on World 3 IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ LEEPUZAG Start on World 4 IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ GEEPUZAG Start on World 5 IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ IEEPUZAG Start on World 6 IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ TEEPUZAG Start on World 7 IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ 4E b 3 Infinite Lives SZELVXSE Infinite Energy OZXYGLES Invincibility SAXYTLSZ ^ EIVYIPEY Star Invincibility EYXYGLEI Invincibility Flash Stopper 99 b 0 Multi Jump In Mid-Air 635 b 0 World Modifier ALOENGEI All Players Can Jump in Midair AUNTZGEI You Can't Pause The Game AOOVTGEY ^ GXUESIEY Hawkmouth Always Open AAPPZA Level Eraser OLTOTO Hard Rock Miner Lv. 1 ISNEGVOK ^ LXLPPA ^ OLTOTO Hard Rock Miner Lv. 2 ISNEGVOK ^ TEUPPAIV ^ OLTOTO Dig Up Mushroom Blocks Anywhere SXLPAE ^ SZAEEN Icy Surfaces SXTEUN Walk Through Walls (Alt) OLVOTOOK Hard Rock Miner Lv. 1 (improved) SUNEGVOG ^ OXUPAEOU ^ YUUPPAIT ^ XVUPZAEO ^ OLVOTOOK Hard Rock Miner Lv. 2 (improved) SUNEGVOG ^ OXUPAEOU ^ PEUPPAIV ^ XVUPZAEO ^ OLVOTOOK Dig Up Mushroom Blocks Anywhere SXUPAEOU ^ SZEEENGE Icy! EOXPLPEY Can Carry Enemies & Items Through Doorways EPUPIAEI Can Climb Vines While Holding Enemies & Items ELUENLEY Sky Climber EUEEOZEI Lift Objects Quickly ELXOZZEY Can Enter Locked Doors Without Keys AYUPGZEI ^ AINLXZAL Birdo Dies In One Hit ENKAKPEL Enemies Chase You AINLXZAL ^ ESXAZGEY Ground Based Enemies Move Quickly ENKUOAEI Lifted Enemies/Items Produce Flying Carpets EUSPGPEI Grass Always Produces Coins AOXEKYEY Walk Through Walls OLVOTOOK Dig Up Mushroom Blocks Anywhere (improved) SXUPAEOU ^ AYOEKTEP ^ AYKAEGEI Quickly Move LEFT/RIGHT While on a Flying Carpet (press B to go faster) AOEAGIAL No Gravity for Enemies and Items ENXPTIEP Enemies Keep Bouncing After Being Dropped EYKOAIEI Shyguys Jump and Shoot Bullets AYOPAIEI Many Enemies Will Hop Around and Chase You (no problems with Pidget and Birdo) ALUOGIEY Shyguys Shoot Bullets EIOOILSZ Phanto Is Never Aroused When You're Holding a Key ESXPAIEY Enemies Chase You (improved) ZLEPLETP Birdo Spits Small Vegetables ILEPLETP Birdo Spits Koopa Shells PAEPLETO Birdo Spits Explosions ZAEPLETO Birdo Spits Albatosses And Bob-Ombs TONOTSLO Snifits Spit Eggs AKNOTSLP Snifits Spit 1-up Mushrooms PKNOTSLP Snifits Spit Flying Carpets IKNOTSLP Snifits Spit Invincibility Stars IUNOTSLO Snifits Spit Keys TUNOTSLP Snifits Spit Coins ZENOTSLP Snifits Spit Tweeters AXNOTSLP Snifits Spit Fireballs GENOTSLP Snifits Spit Porcupos IENOTSLP Snifits Spit Snifits a.k.a.: Too Many Snifits XTSPNVZE Slower Enemies x1 XTSPNVZE Slower Enemies x2 XTSOEVZE ^ XTSPNVZE Slower Enemies x3 XTSOEVZE ^ XTSOOVZE ^ XTSPNVZE Slower Enemies x4 XTSOEVZE ^ XTSOOVZE ^ XTSOXVZE ^ EVOUYVPZ Hit Anywhere AEXLATGA ^ GKXLZVIG ^ NNXPZIAV More Than Twice As Much Time In Sub-space GOEANKAO Walk Backwards USEEEKKA ^ XVVANSZK Super Turbo Running XVNEXSZV ^ AEVAVIIA Permanent Turbo Running AENEEITA ^ AXSETUAO Super Fast Run For Mario ESVAPUEV ^ AZEEGKAO Super Fast Run For Luigi EIEEYKEV ^ AXNAIUAO Fast Run For Toad ESNEAUEV ^ AZXALKAO Super Fast Run For Princess EIXATKEV ^ AXNAZSAA Super Speed Enemies EVNALSEY ^ KZXALKAO Twister? EIXATKEV ^ OXXOKAEU Shells Bounce Off Of Obstacles VOXOSAOO ^ ZAXAOIAA Mario Has Mega "Moon-Float" And Ultra Slow Descent! (Just Press And Hold The Jump Button!!) NNSEZLAE ^ NYXAOIAE Mario Will "Moon-Float" As Long As You Hold Down The Jump Button!! NNSEZLAE ^ PESELLYA Mario Has "Mega-Jump" And "Moon Float"! NNSEZLAE ^ ZAXAOIAA Luigi Has Mega "Moon-Float" And Ultra Slow Descent! (Just Press And Hold The Jump Button) NYEEAGAE ^ NYXAOIAE Luigi Will "Moon-Float" As Long As You Hold Down The Jump Button!! NYEEAGAE ^ ZAXAOIAA Toad Has Mega "Moon-Float" And Ultra Slow Descent! (Just Press And Hold The Jump Button) NNNAPLAE ^ NYXAOIAE Toad Will "Moon-Float" As Long As You Hold Down The Jump Button!! NNNAPLAE ^ 4C2 b 91 Infinite Health 4ED b 3 Infinite Lives 4E0 b 27 Invincible 62B b 0 Infinite Coins 4C2 b 5B Infinite Health 4ED b 3 Infinite Lives 4E0 b 7F Invincible (Starman Effect) 85 b FA Invincibility (Enemies Can't Touch You) 62B b 0 Infinite Coins 531 b 0 Level Modifier 532 b 0 Room In Level Modifier 6F9 b 4 Mario In Princess Toadstool's Dress 4C3 b 0 Max Hearts (4) 8 b 0 Always Able To Select Continue 62A b 4 Collect 1 Cherry For Starman 62C b 4 Collect 1 Big Radish For Stopwatch 4AD b 9 Receive Small Heart For Every Enemy Defeated 4FF b FA Infinite Stopwatch Time 4B7 b FA Infinite Time In Sub-Space 4CA b 3C Always Charged For Super Jump 4C9 b FA Infinite Float Time 46 b EB Levitate B9 b FA Infinite Magic Carpet Time 4AE b 15 No Enemies 4AF b 0 Enemy/Object-Holding Modifier 62D b 63 Maximum Contributor Points (Mario) 62E b 63 Maximum Contributor Points (Luigi) 62F b 63 Maximum Contributor Points (Toad) 630 b 63 Maximum Contributor Points (Peach) 468 b 0 One Hit Kills Bosses 4BC b 0 Background Pallette Modifier 553 b 3C All Characters Jump Like Princess 555 b 1 Super Jump 96 b 0 Most Plants Yield ?? 5A b 4 Walk Through Walls 64 b 20 Walk Behind Scenery 5EE b 0 Music Tweaker 68 b 0 Shy Guy Enemy Colour Modifiers 69 b 0 ^ 90 b 0 Enemy Modifiers 91 b 0 ^ 92 b 0 ^ 93 b 0 ^ 94 b 0 ^ SZLPYN Inf Time Bonus Door VNVVGYTE Skip Bonus Chance LOVVTYLA ^ KATAOA Grass And Snow SZUPLNVK Infinite sub-space time AAUEEYPA All Characters Can Multijump AZXANZAA Go Behind The Scenery AANEGAZA Disable Slot Machine Sounds ZEVTNZGA Slot Machine Is Faster Than Usual PEVTNZGA Slot Machine Is Much Faster Than Usual IEVTNZGE Slot Machine Is Slightly Slower Than Usual ZOVTNZGA Slot Machine Is Slower Than Usual AXVTNZGE Slot Machine Is Much Slower Than Usual ZUVTNZGA Slot Machine Is Even More Slower Than Usual GVVTNZGA Slot Machine Is Absurdly Slower Than Usual EOVTNZGA Slot Machine Is Extremely Slow NNVTNZGE Slot Machine Is As Slow As Possible XZXPLKOZ Subspace Looks Normal GZXPAKSA Entering Suspace will drop you into a strange new world TIXPAKSA Entering Subspace will drop you into a strange new world (Alternate) YXKAPPTI Can Enter First Door In 1-1 AKKAZPAP ^ OZKONUPX Skip Intro Screen SEKESKSX All Characters can Float Jump and Float 3x longer UIEPIVTO Game Boy Mode USXVEXTO ^ IAOTIGLA Start with 5 Lives instead of 3 ZAOTIGLE Start with 10 Lives YAOTIGLE Start with 15 Lives PPOTIGLE Start with 25 Lives ZLOTIGLA Start with 50 Lives LGOTIGLE Start with 75 Lives GTOTIGLA Start with 100 Lives SZXAPKSE Restore Unused Death DPCM Sound Effect With Music (long version) SZXATKSE ^ SXNEXKVK Princess Peach Infinite Float AUKEVGLS All Characters can Float Jump SEKENGIE ^ AIOEVIEY ^ VKKEVGLI All Characters can Float Jump and Float 2x longer KOKENGIA ^ AIOEVIEY ^ 553 b 3C All Characters can Float Jump 553 b 78 All Characters can Float Jump and Float 2x longer 553 b B4 All Characters can Float Jump and Float 3x longer NAOTIGLE Start With More Lives GXVUZTAX Invulnerable GXVEIPAX No Enemies (May get stuck) GXXVLGAX Drunk Mode (Enemies Are Blurry Like You're Drunk) TPVTLXAP Start Every Life With Max Health (4 Units) OZOYTZSE ^ ZAOYYZSA ^ SAONAXKX ^ SZONLXOU ^ GZONGZZZ ^ SXXPPEVV ^ TPEUXEAP ^ ATOUXEYL Invincibility Star Powerup Lasts 1.5x Longer YYOUXEYU Invincibility Star Powerup Lasts 2x Longer GAOOZAIA Invincibility Star Powerup Appears After Collecting 4 Cherries Instead Of 5 LAOOZAIA Invincibility Star Powerup Appears After Collecting 3 Cherries ZAOOZAIA Invincibility Star Powerup Appears After Collecting 2 Cherries PAOOZAIA Invincibility Star Powerup Appears After Collecting 1 Cherry TAKATSAA Heart Appears After Killing 6 Enemies Instead Of 8 Enemies TAKATSAA Heart Appears After Killing 4 Enemies ZAKATSAA Heart Appears After Killing 2 Enemies AAUAVITP Disable Icy Surfaces ATUVLPYK Enemies Can't Touch You AEXUUAZZ Can Pick Up Any Active Object You Can Stand On 30C b 1 Sub World Graphics 30D b F ^ 30E b F ^ 310 b 1 ^ 311 b F ^ 312 b F ^ 314 b 1 ^ 318 b 1 ^ 31C b 1 ^ 320 b 1 ^ GGSATXSX Enter Subspace By Pressing Select KASAYXEU ^ SZSEAZGA ^ AXEZAIGA ^ ASEZPIEY ^ NUEZZILA ^ SXEZLSGK ^ IUEZGSYP ^ IEEZISUP ^ SEEZTIAX ^ YEEZYSSN ^ IEEXAIKL ^ GKEXPSOX ^ NVEXZIZA ^ NOEXLISP ^ SXEXGSYT ^ NNEXIIAZ ^ OKEXTSYO ^ AXEXYSUP ^ ESOZAISL ^ LEOZPSLI ^ AXOZZSPZ ^ UOOZLIGE ^ SXOZGIEY ^ SXOZISYS ^ XNOZTIAX ^ LEOZYIXI ^ GKOXAISO ^ PSOXPISX ^ XEOXZIAP ^ SXOXLSPX ^ NUOXGSNY ^ GEOXIIEI ^ ESOXTITA ^ OVOXYSOX ^ ENXZASEI ^ VSXZPISO ^ AZUXZSGZ ^ SZUXLIGA ^ SZUXGSAP ^ UTXYOTTE View Ending At Start Of Level TSSPAKKI ^ OVSPPGKO ^ PXVEVYIE Walk Through Walls And Jump Through Roof GEVENNZI ^ SZSYPXGK Wrap To The Top If You Fall Down A Pit TPSYAZXE ^ OXNUXPSX Invulnerable (Walk Through Enemies Can Still Ride Them) OXUUNZSX ^ ASULXZEY ^ AIELVLAP ^ AASLEEGZ Enemies Die When You Touch Them AXVVUOOZ Enter Subspace By Pressing Start ASVVKPTP ^ NUVVSOSA ^ SXVVVOSU ^ IUVVNPIA ^ IENTEOOZ ^ SENTOPTX ^ YENTXOSE ^ IENTUPEA ^ GKNTKPPN ^ NVNTSOOZ ^ NONTVOEG ^ ATEPUEAT ^ GGOVASOX ^ UZOVPIPG ^ KTOVZSSA ^ LPOTZAAA Start In Wart's Chamber With 5 Lives TAOTIGLA ^ SAOVPKVX ^ IENVLPAA ^ SZETZXSE ^ IUOOUZAA Start On World 1 (More Worlds In Note) AEOOOZEA ^ ZPOTZAAA Start On World 7-1 With 5 Lives TAOTIGLA ^ SAOVPKVX ^ LPOTZAAA Start On World 7-2 With 5 Lives TAOTIGLA ^ SAOVPKVX ^ 531 b 0 Level Modifier PXOYIUVY Control Character At Ending (Proof Of Concept) KEOYTUXN ^ TPUAZGPA Toad appears red as he does in the rest of the Mario cannon TOVVPAPA ^ AXNEVVSA Walk On Pits SXNENTGZ ^ OAEAEYTE ^ SXXASONN ^ ZXXAVONN ^ GEXANONY ^ AUXEEONY ^ POXEOONY ^ SXXEXONN ^ LXXEUONN ^ GEXEKONY ^ OKXESONN ^ EKXEVONY ^ EOXENONY ^ ZEUAEONN ^ SXUAOONY ^ SNUAXONY ^ AUUAUONY ^ TEUAKONY ^ SXUASONY ^ ZUUAVONY ^ OKUANONN ^ EKUEEONN ^ EUUEOONY ^ TEUEXONY ^ OXUEUONN ^ AEUEKONY ^ SEUESONN ^ GXUEVONY ^ TEUENONY ^ AVKAEONY ^ SXKAOONY ^ ZSKAXONN ^ PEKAUONN ^ GEKAKONY ^ SEKASONY ^ ZSKAVONN ^ OXKANONN ^ AEKEEONY ^ SEKEOONY ^ OOKEXONN ^ SEKEUONY ^ TKKEKONY ^ OXKESONN ^ EKKEVONN ^ SEKENONY ^ ZUSAEONY ^ ESSAOONY ^ EVSAXONN ^ TIOTTIST Press START In Level To View Ending TIOTTIST Press START In Level To View Ending (Ending Tileset Loaded) UTXYOTTE ^ ZUXXNZPE Hold POW-Block After Screen Transition (More Items In Note) XXEEYAGE ^ OOEEYAGE Get 1-Up After Screen Transition. XXEEYAGE Hold Shyguy After Screen Transition GTXEEYPS Jump Through Ceiling ILEVIGUY Start On World 2 XSXTPGIO Press START To Reset Objects/Enemies To Starting Positions VNXTZGST ^ AXXTAKGG ^ IXXTPGIP Press START To Reset Level (You Get To Pick Character) KVXTZGST ^ AXXTAKGG ^ AEEPUPLL Enemies Die On Sight AEEEXZTL Quick Pick Up (All Characters) NNKESPAI Freeze All Enemies Hold B Or SELECT To Unfreeze PXKEVOOK ^ AVKENOAA ^ NNKESPAI Press UP To Freeze Enemies AOKOIPEI Birdo Gives Crystal/Key Without A Fight NYSASYZL Press DOWN To Fall Through Floor UISEONLU ^ GASANNGA ^ YGSYZZGO Walk In Pits NASYLZNN ^ SXOAXYAX ^ ZZUEXYIU ^ GAUEUYTA ^ XZKAEYEG ^ AAUEEYPA ^ AEUAZAPA Smooth Scrolling Up/Down AAXAZPPA ^ LEUYLGGA ^ AEUNYGZA ^ AESANOYZ ^ AAVPLAGA Jesus Mode TOSXZIYU Mouser Tosses Eggs TOUZXAAX Tryclyde Spits Eggs TPNAKGAX Pancer Spits eggs TONZUGAX FryGuy Spits eggs AAKEKEAA ^ TOUZTPZX ClawGrip throws eggs TPKLIZPO Wart Spits Eggs AVUUNZSZ Invincibility Alt AVNUXPSZ ^ EEEPUZAG Start On World 1-F - The Unused Beta Stage IUEPSZAA ^ TEEPVZPA ^ VVETPIAX Warp To Next World | Press Start and Start again to warp IUETZINZ ^ TEETLSXT ^ NNETIISV ^ OEXTPGIP ^ LEKYYTPO ^ SZVTTNSE ^ AESANOYZ Smooth Scrolling Up/Down (Update) AEUAZAPA ^ AAXAZPPA ^ LEUYLGGA ^ AEUNYGZA ^ EEXNPGKL ^ AKXNIGPZ ^ TEOEPAZP ^